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|description=In this lesson, you will learn about Bulgarian grammar and pronouns. We will cover personal pronouns, possessive pronouns, demonstrative pronouns, interrogative pronouns, and relative pronouns with examples and tables.
|description=In this lesson, you will learn about Bulgarian grammar and pronouns. We will cover personal pronouns, possessive pronouns, demonstrative pronouns, interrogative pronouns, and relative pronouns with examples and tables.
===Verbs in Bulgarian: Personal Pronouns, Present, Past and Future ...===


Revision as of 23:18, 5 March 2023

Bulgarian Grammar - Pronouns

Hi Bulgarian learners! 😊
In this lesson, we will learn about pronouns in Bulgarian grammar. Pronouns are an essential part of any language, and they help us communicate more efficiently. We will cover some basic pronouns, such as personal, possessive, demonstrative, interrogative, and relative pronouns.

Personal Pronouns

Personal pronouns are used to refer to a specific person or thing. In Bulgarian, these pronouns change depending on whether they are the subject or object of a sentence. Let's take a look at the personal pronouns in Bulgarian:

Bulgarian Pronunciation English
Аз Az I, me
Ти Ti You (singular)
Той Toy He, him
Тя Tya She, her
То To It
Ние Nie We, us
Вие Vie You (plural)
Те Te They, them

Here are some examples of personal pronouns used in sentences:

  • Аз говоря български. (Az govorya balgarski.) - I speak Bulgarian.
  • Ти си мой приятел. (Ti si moy priyatel.) - You are my friend.
  • Той харесва спорта. (Toy haresva sporta.) - He likes sports.
  • Тя работи в библиотеката. (Tya raboti v bibliotekata.) - She works in the library.
  • То е голямо животно. (To e golyamo jivotno.) - It is a big animal.
  • Ние обичаме да пътуваме. (Nie obichame da patuvame.) - We love to travel.
  • Вие сте моите учители. (Vie ste moite uchiteli.) - You are my teachers.
  • Те любят да играят. (Te lyubyat da igrayat.) - They love to play.

Possessive Pronouns

Possessive pronouns indicate ownership or possession. They correspond to different genders, numbers, and cases in Bulgarian. Let's look at some examples:

Bulgarian Pronunciation English
мой moy my (masculine)
моя moya my (feminine)
мое moye my (neuter)
мои moi my (plural)
твой tvoy your (masculine)
твоя tvoya your (feminine)
твое tvoe your (neuter)
твои tvoi your (plural)
негов negov his
негова negova his
негово negovo his
негови negovi his (plural)
нейн neyn her
нейна neyna her
нейно neyno her
нейни neyni her (plural)
наш nash our
наша nasha our
наше nashe our
наши nashi our (plural)
ваш vash your (formal)
ваша vasha your (formal)
ваше vashe your (formal)
ваш vash your (formal, masculine)
вашата vashata your (formal, feminine)
вашето vasheto your (formal, neuter)
вашите vashite your (formal, plural)
техен tehen their
техна tehna their
техно tehno their
техни tehni their (plural)

Here are some examples of possessive pronouns used in sentences:

  • Моят куче обича да играе. (Moyat kuche obicha da igrae.) - My dog likes to play.
  • Твоят брат е много умен. (Tvoyat brat e mnogo umen.) - Your brother is very smart.
  • Неговата кола е червена. (Negovata kola e chervena.) - His car is red.
  • Нейният план е да пътува. (Neyniyat plan e da patuva.) - Her plan is to travel.
  • Нашите деца посещават училище. (Nashite detsa poseshchavat uchilishte.) - Our children attend school.
  • Вашите родители са много горди. (Vashite roditeli sa mnogo gordi.) - Your parents are very proud.
  • Техните приятели идват скоро. (Tekhnite priyateli idvat skoro.) - Their friends are coming soon.

Demonstrative Pronouns

Demonstrative pronouns are used to indicate a specific object or group of objects. In Bulgarian, there are two types of demonstrative pronouns - this and that, and their plural forms these and those. Let's take a look at the examples below:

Bulgarian Pronunciation English
този tozi this (masculine)
тази tazi this (feminine)
това tova this (neuter)
тези tezi these (plural)
онзи onzi that (masculine)
онази onazi that (feminine)
онзи onzi that (neuter)
ония oniya those (plural)

Here are some examples of demonstrative pronouns used in sentences:

  • Този човек говори румънски. (Tozi chovek govori rumynski.) - This man speaks Romanian.
  • Тази книга е на български език. (Tazi kniga e na balgarski ezik.) - This book is in Bulgarian.
  • Това животно е много опасно. (Tova jivotno e mnogo opasno.) - This animal is very dangerous.
  • Тези хора са мои приятели. (Tezi hora sa moi priyateli.) - These people are my friends.
  • Онзи край е много красив. (Onzi kray e mnogo krasiv.) - That area is very beautiful.
  • Онази рокля е много скъпа. (Onazi roklya e mnogo skapa.) - That dress is very expensive.
  • Онова място е празно. (Onova myasto e prazno.) - That place is empty.
  • Ония книги са много интересни. (Oniya knigi sa mnogo interesni.) - Those books are very interesting.

Interrogative Pronouns

Interrogative pronouns are used in questions to ask for information. In Bulgarian, the interrogative pronouns are какъв (what), кой (who), коя (who - feminine), колко (how many), къде (where), как (how), and кога (when). Let's take a look at some examples:

Bulgarian Pronunciation English
какъв kakuv what
кой koy who (masculine)
коя koya who (feminine)
колко kolko how many
къде kade where
как kak how
кога koga when

Here are some examples of interrogative pronouns used in sentences:

  • Какъв цвят предпочиташ? (Kakuv tsvyat predpochitash?) - What color do you prefer?
  • Кой е този човек? (Koy e tozi chovek?) - Who is this man?
  • Коя песен обичаш най-много? (Koya pesen obichash nay-mnogo?) - Which song do you like the most?
  • Колко ябълки искаш? (Kolko yabalki iskash?) - How many apples do you want?
  • Къде е моята чанта? (Kade e moyata chanta?) - Where is my bag?
  • Как беше името ти отново? (Kak beshe imeto ti otnovo?) - What was your name again?
  • Кога ще дойдеш утре? (Koga shte doydes utre?) - When will you come tomorrow?

Relative Pronouns

Relative pronouns are used to connect one phrase or clause to another within a sentence. In Bulgarian, the most common relative pronouns are който (who, which), която (which - feminine), кое (which - neuter), когото (whom), and коятo (which - neuter). Let's look at some examples:

Bulgarian Pronunciation English
който koyto who, which (masculine)
която koyato which (feminine)
кое koe which (neuter)
когото kogoto whom
която koyato which (neuter)

Here are some examples of relative pronouns used in sentences:

  • Това е човекът, който помогна на майка ми. (Tova e chovekut, koyto pomogna na mayka mi.) - This is the man who helped my mother.
  • Това е книгата, която искам да прочета. (Tova e knigata, koyato iskam da procheta.) - This is the book that I want to read.
  • Това е животното, което съм виждал в зоопарка. (Tova e jivotnoto, koeto sam vizhdal v zooparka.) - This is the animal that I saw in the zoo.
  • Този човек, когото срещнах, беше много любезен. (Tozi chovek, kogoto sreshtnah, beshe mnogo lyubezen.) - The man whom I met was very kind.
  • Това е мястото, където сме били миналата година. (Tova e myastoto, kade smе bili minalata godina.) - This is the place where we were last year.

To improve your Bulgarian Grammar, you can also use the Polyglot Club website. Find native speakers and ask them any questions!



Verbs in Bulgarian: Personal Pronouns, Present, Past and Future ...