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|description=In this lesson, we will learn some of the most important Standard Estonian words related to education. Knowing these words will help you understand and communicate better in educational settings.
|description=In this lesson, we will learn some of the most important Standard Estonian words related to education. Knowing these words will help you understand and communicate better in educational settings.
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* [[Language/Standard-estonian/Vocabulary/Sports|Sports]]
* [[Language/Standard-estonian/Vocabulary/Animal|Animal]]
* [[Language/Standard-estonian/Vocabulary/Languages|Languages]]


Revision as of 21:44, 25 February 2023

Standard Estonian Vocabulary - Education

Hi Standard Estonian learners! 😊
In this lesson, we will learn some of the most important Standard Estonian words related to education. Knowing these words will help you understand and communicate better in educational settings.


Greetings are an important part of any language. Here are some of the most common Standard Estonian greetings:

Standard Estonian Pronunciation English Translation
Tere [ˈtere] Hello
Tervist [ˈterʋist] Hi
Hei [ˈhei] Hey
Hommikust [ˈhomːiˌkust] Good morning
Päevast [ˈpæːʋɑst] Good afternoon
Ööst [ˈøːst] Good evening


Questions are also an important part of any language. Here are some of the most common Standard Estonian questions:

Standard Estonian Pronunciation English Translation
Kuidas läheb? [ˈkuidɑs ˈlæːheb] How are you?
Kus sa elad? [ˈkus sɑ ˈelɑd] Where do you live?
Kas sa räägid eesti keelt? [ˈkɑs sɑ ˈræːɡid ˈeːsti ˈkeːlt] Do you speak Estonian?
Mis on sinu haridus? [ˈmis ˈon ˈsinu ˈhɑridus] What is your education?
Milline on sinu kool? [ˈmilline ˈon ˈsinu ˈkoːl] What is your school like?
Kas sa õpid eesti keelt? [ˈkɑs sɑ ˈøːpid ˈeːsti ˈkeːlt] Are you learning Estonian?


Now that you know some of the most common Standard Estonian greetings and questions, let's practice having a conversation in Standard Estonian. Here is an example conversation:

Person 1: Tere! Kuidas läheb? (Hello! How are you?)

Person 2: Tervist! Mul läheb hästi, tänan. (Hi! I'm doing well, thank you.)

Person 1: Kus sa elad? (Where do you live?)

Person 2: Ma elan Tallinnas. (I live in Tallinn.)

Person 1: Kas sa räägid eesti keelt? (Do you speak Estonian?)

Person 2: Jah, ma räägin eesti keelt. (Yes, I speak Estonian.)

Person 1: Mis on sinu haridus? (What is your education?)

Person 2: Ma olen lõpetanud Tartu Ülikooli. (I have graduated from the University of Tartu.)

Person 1: Milline on sinu kool? (What is your school like?)

Person 2: Minu kool on väga hea. Meil on palju erinevaid õppekavasid ja meie õpetajad on väga abivalmid. (My school is very good. We have a lot of different curriculums and our teachers are very helpful.)

Person 1: Kas sa õpid eesti keelt? (Are you learning Estonian?)

Person 2: Jah, ma õpin eesti keelt. (Yes, I am learning Estonian.)

➡ If you have any questions, please ask them in the comments section below.
➡ Feel free to edit this wiki page if you think it can be improved. 😎

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