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To improve your [[Language/Danish|Danish]] [[Language/Danish/Vocabulary|Vocabulary]], you can also use the [https://polyglotclub.com Polyglot Club] website. [https://polyglotclub.com/find-friends.php?search=send&d=0&f=36&offre1=33 Find native speakers] and ask them any [https://polyglotclub.com/language/danish/question questions]!
To improve your [[Language/Danish|Danish]] [[Language/Danish/Vocabulary|Vocabulary]], you can also use the [https://polyglotclub.com Polyglot Club] website. [https://polyglotclub.com/find-friends.php?search=send&d=0&f=36&offre1=33 Find native speakers] and ask them any [https://polyglotclub.com/language/danish/question questions]!

== Sources ==
* [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Education_in_Denmark Education in Denmark]
<span class='maj'></span>
* [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lifelong_learning Lifelong learning]
* [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Higher_education_in_Denmark Higher education in Denmark]
* [https://www.vocabulary.com/dictionary/Danish Danish - Definition, Meaning & Synonyms | Vocabulary.com]
* [https://apps.apple.com/us/app/tobo-learn-danish-vocabulary/id1484402842 Tobo: Learn Danish Vocabulary on the App Store]
* [https://www.thelocal.dk/20210803/the-danish-vocabulary-parents-need-to-know-for-back-to-school-season/ The Danish vocabulary parents need to know for back-to-school ...]


Revision as of 14:53, 12 March 2023

Danish Vocabulary - Education

Hi Danish learners! 😊
In this lesson, you will learn vocabulary related to education in Danish. Education is an essential aspect of Danish culture, with a strong emphasis on lifelong learning. Danes are known to be some of the most educated people in Europe, with almost all of them receiving a high-quality education. Let's get started now!

Education System

Denmark has a free education system that is open to all, with equal opportunities to study regardless of one's background. Education is compulsory from the age of seven until the age of sixteen. After this, students can choose to continue their education in a secondary school, where they can specialize in various fields. The education system is divided into three levels: primary, lower secondary, and upper secondary. The following are some Danish terms you might come across in relation to the education system:

Danish Pronunciation English
Folkeskole /fɔlkəskɔlə/ or /folks-ko-lə/ Primary school
Ungdomsskole /ɔ׳ŋd̥ɔmsķoːlə/ Secondary school
Gymnasium /ɡymnɑzium/ High school
Universitet /univɛrsitet/ University

Subject Areas

Danish schools offer a broad range of subjects to students, and they can choose their major according to their interests. Here are some subject areas with their Danish translations:

Danish Pronunciation English
Dansk /dænsk/ Danish language
Matematik /matɛmatik/ Mathematics
Naturfag /nɑtʉrfɑɡ/ Natural sciences
Fremmedsprog /frɛmədspʁɔu/ Foreign languages
Historie /histoʁiə/ History
Musik /musik/ Music
Billedkunst /bilədkunst/ Visual arts
Fysik /fyʃik/ Physics
Biologi /bioloɡi/ Biology
Samfundsfag /samfundsfaɡ/ Social sciences

Academic Degrees

To attend university, students in Denmark must have a high school diploma or equivalent. Here are some academic degrees and their Danish translations:

Danish Pronunciation English
Kandidatgrad /kandidɑtɡʁɑːd/ Bachelor's degree
Mastergrad /mastɐɡʁaːd/ Master's degree
Ph.d. /pe-ha-de/ PhD

Useful Vocabulary

Here are some useful words and phrases you may need when discussing education:

  • Skolegang - attendance of school
  • Eksamen - exams
  • Bestå eksamen - pass an exam
  • Studere - to study
  • Undervisning - teaching
  • Lektie - homework
  • Karakter - grade


Here is a dialogue to help you practice some of the new vocabulary:

  • Person 1: Hej, studerer du på universitetet? (Hi, are you studying at the university?)
  • Person 2: Ja, jeg læser til en kandidatgrad i matematik. Og du? (Yes, I am pursuing a bachelor's degree in mathematics. And you?)
  • Person 1: Jeg går stadig i gymnasiet. Jeg har en eksamen i dansk i morgen, så jeg skal studere hele dagen. (I am still in high school. I have an exam in Danish tomorrow, so I have to study all day.)

Cultural Insight

Denmark is known for having an educational system that emphasizes socialization and community engagement. Danish students work in groups to learn how to interact with others and take collective responsibility for tasks. They are taught to speak their minds and express their opinions freely, and the classroom environment is based on mutual respect and equality. Students are encouraged to participate in extracurricular activities, such as sports, music, and volunteering, to develop their social skills and broaden their horizons.

To improve your Danish Vocabulary, you can also use the Polyglot Club website. Find native speakers and ask them any questions!


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