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|description=Learn how to use "have" in Fijian language in this detailed lesson, with grammar rules, present tense forms, usage, examples, dialogue, and more.
|description=Learn how to use "have" in Fijian language in this detailed lesson, with grammar rules, present tense forms, usage, examples, dialogue, and more.
==Related Lessons==
* [[Language/Fijian/Grammar/Pronouns|Pronouns]]
* [[Language/Fijian/Grammar/Future-Tense|Future Tense]]
* [[Language/Fijian/Grammar/Plurals|Plurals]]
* [[Language/Fijian/Grammar/Adjectives|Adjectives]]
* [[Language/Fijian/Grammar/Give-your-Opinion|Give your Opinion]]
* [[Language/Fijian/Grammar/Negation|Negation]]
* [[Language/Fijian/Grammar/Conditional-Mood|Conditional Mood]]
* [[Language/Fijian/Grammar/Questions|Questions]]


Revision as of 11:45, 6 March 2023

Fijian Grammar - How to Use "Have"

Hi Fijian learners! 😊
In this lesson, we will learn how to use the word "have" in Fijian. We will also cover its various forms, usage, and examples. By the end of this lesson, you will be able to use "have" effectively in your Fijian sentences. Let's get started!


In Fijian, "have" is translated as "sa tu" or "tu". It is a very commonly used word in Fijian language that can be used in various forms and tenses. In this lesson, we will only cover the present tense form of "have".

Present Tense Forms

Below is a table with the present tense forms of "have" in Fijian.

Fijian Pronunciation English
e sa tu eh sah too I have
ko sa tu kaw sah too You have (singular)
sa tu sah too He/She/It has
da sa tu dah sah too We have
muni sa tu moo-nee sah too You have (plural)
ra sa tu rah sah too They have


The present tense form of "have" in Fijian is used in various ways such as:


We use "sa tu/ tu" to express possession.

  • Example:
  • Person 1: Sa tu lako e dua na gau. (I have a book.)
  • Person 2: Sa yaloqu me’u wilika mai. (Can I borrow it?)


We use "sa tu/tu" to describe relationships.

  • Example:
  • Person 1: Na tinaqu sa tu dau saqoni iko. (My mother knows you.)
  • Person 2: E sa dodonu ni saqoni tiko kei ra. (It is right to know them too.)

States and feelings

We use "sa tu/tu" to describe states and feelings.

  • Example:
  • Person 1: Ko sa tu tiko??? (Are you okay?)
  • Person 2: Io, au sa tu vinakata. Tabu sa io na bogi walega. (Yes, I am fine. Can't you see it's a beautiful night?)


To see the usage of "have" in action, let's take a look at some examples:

Example 1

  • Person 1: Sa tu qaiu 4 na yabaki. (I am 24 years old.)
  • Person 2: Nai valu ni bula ga na yabaki. (Those are the best years of life.)

Example 2

  • Person 1: Ko sa tu vaqara tiko na utoqu. (You have my attention.)
  • Person 2: E sa cakava na nodra vosa.
    (They made their own choices.)

Example 3

  • Person 1: E sa dua na kana ena tiki tikoni. Ko sa vinaka ga? (There's a dish on the table. Do you like it?)
  • Person 2: E sa kana vaka malimali. Ko sa tu sagai vinaka. (It tastes quite good. It's really delicious.)


To help you understand the usage of "have" in Fijian, let's read the following dialogue:

  • Person 1: E sa tiko na ulumatua vei na marama na nomu veiwekani qele. (Your elder brother is with his wife.)
  • Person 2: E sa malumalumu tiko na ka ni sa digitaka. Se ko sa qai sega ni kila. (It seems like he's enjoying what he chose. Or maybe you don't know.)
  • Person 1: Io, ka’u sa tauvi iko se nanuma vakalevu. (Yes, you're right. I miss you so much.)


Congratulations! You have learned how to use "have" in Fijian. To improve your Fijian Grammar, you can also use the Polyglot Club website. Find native speakers and ask them any questions! Do not hesitate to use our Fijian Grammar category to improve your skills. Vinaka! 😊

➡ If you have any questions, please ask them in the comments section below.
➡ Feel free to edit this wiki page if you think it can be improved. 😎

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