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|description=This Bosnian Grammar lesson explains how to give opinions in Bosnian using different grammar structures and vocabulary. Includes practical examples and dialogue.
|description=This Bosnian Grammar lesson explains how to give opinions in Bosnian using different grammar structures and vocabulary. Includes practical examples and dialogue.
==Related Lessons==
* [[Language/Bosnian/Grammar/Nouns|Nouns]]
* [[Language/Bosnian/Grammar/How-to-Use-Have|How to Use Have]]
* [[Language/Bosnian/Grammar/Pronouns|Pronouns]]
* [[Language/Bosnian/Grammar/Plurals|Plurals]]
* [[Language/Bosnian/Grammar/Adjectives|Adjectives]]
* [[Language/Bosnian/Grammar/Conditional-Mood|Conditional Mood]]
* [[Language/Bosnian/Grammar/Negation|Negation]]
* [[Language/Bosnian/Grammar/Gender|Gender]]
* [[Language/Bosnian/Grammar/Personal-pronouns|Personal pronouns]]


Revision as of 11:56, 6 March 2023

Bosnian Grammar - Give your Opinion

Hi Bosnian learners! 😊 Today, in this intermediate level Bosnian Grammar lesson, we will focus on expressing opinions. Giving your opinion is an essential skill when learning a language because it allows us to participate in conversations and express ourselves effectively. In this lesson, we will learn the grammatical structures and vocabulary necessary to give our opinions and how to use them in real-life situations. Let's get started!

Expressing opinions in Bosnian

To express opinions in Bosnian, we need to use different grammatical structures and vocabulary, depending on the situation. Here are some common ways to give your opinion in Bosnian:

Using the verb "misliti"

The verb "misliti" (to think) is a common way to express opinions in Bosnian. This verb is always followed by the conjunction "da" and then a subordinate clause:

Bosnian Pronunciation English
Mislim da je ova knjiga odlična. [mi'slim da jɛ 'ɔva knji'ga 'ɔdliːtʃna] I think this book is excellent.
Mislila sam da ćeš doći ranije. [mi'slila sam da tʃɛʃ dɔ'tʃi ˈraːniːjɛ] I thought you'd come earlier.
Mislim da je ovo najbolja restoranska hrana u gradu. [mi'slim da jɛ 'ɔvɔ ˈnajbɔʎa rɛstɔranˈska 'hrana u ˈɡradu] I think this is the best food in town.

Using the phrase "po mom / tvom / njihovom / njenom mišljenju"

Another common way to give opinions is by using the phrase "po mom/tvom/njihovom/njenom mišljenju," which means "in my/your/their/her opinion." Here are some examples:

Bosnian Pronunciation English
Po mom mišljenju, ova pesma nije dobra. [po mɔm miʃ'ljenju, ɔva 'pɛsma 'niʝɛ 'dɔbra] In my opinion, this song is not good.
Njegovo mišljenje je da bi trebalo smanjiti poreze. [ɲɛ'ɡɔvɔ miʃ'ljenjɛ jɛ da bi trɛ'baːlɔ smaɲi'ti po'rɛzɛ] His opinion is that taxes should be reduced.
Po tvom mišljenju, treba li da kupim ovu jaknu? [pɔ tʋɔm miʃ'ljeɲʊ, trɛːba li da 'kupim 'ɔvʊ 'jaknu] In your opinion, should I buy this jacket?

Using adjectives

Using adjectives is another way to express opinions in Bosnian. When using adjectives, we need to remember to change their endings based on gender (masculine, feminine, neuter) and the case (nominative, accusative, genitive, dative, or instrumental) of the noun they describe. Here are some examples:

Bosnian Pronunciation English
Ova slika je lepa. [ɔva 'slika jɛ 'lɛpa] This picture is beautiful. (feminine)
Tvoj novi auto je brži od mog. [tʋɔj novi 'aʊtɔ jɛ bərʒi ɔd mɔɡ] Your new car is faster than mine. (masculine)
Ovo testo nije ukusno. ['ɔvɔ 'tɛsto 'niʝɛ 'ukusnɔ] This pasta is not tasty. (neuter)

Using the phrase "meni se čini"

The phrase "meni se čini" (it seems to me) is another way to express opinions in Bosnian. This phrase is always followed by a subordinate clause:

Bosnian Pronunciation English
Meni se čini da će biti kišovito sutra. [mɛni sɛ tʃiːni da tʃɛ 'biti kiʃɔ'vito 'sutra] It seems to me that it will be rainy tomorrow.
Meni se čini da je ovo najbolja kafa u gradu. [mɛni sɛ tʃiːni da jɛ 'ɔvɔ ˈnajbɔʎa 'kafa u ˈɡradu] It seems to me that this is the best coffee in town.


To better understand how to use these structures in real-life conversations, let's take a look at a short dialogue:

  • Person 1: Šta misliš o ovom filmu? (What do you think about this movie?)
  • Person 2: Po mom mišljenju, on je jako dosadan. (In my opinion, it's very boring.)
  • Person 1: Meni se čini da je scenografija fantastična. (It seems to me that the set design is fantastic.)
  • Person 2: Tačno, ali za mene, glavni glumac nije dobar. (Exactly, but for me, the main actor is not good.)


Congratulations! Now you know how to express your opinions in Bosnian using different grammar structures and vocabulary. To improve your Bosnian Grammar, you can also use the Polyglot Club website. Find native speakers and ask them any questions! Don't be shy to keep practicing and using these phrases in different situations to become more confident and fluent in Bosnian.

➡ If you have any questions, please ask them in the comments section below.
➡ Feel free to edit this wiki page if you think it can be improved. 😎

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