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Standard Arabic Vocabulary - Health

Hi Standard Arabic learners! 😊
In this lesson, we will be learning vocabulary related to health in Standard Arabic. Understanding Arabic vocabulary related to health is important not only for communication but also for promoting healthy habits.

Don't hesitate to look into these other pages after completing this lesson: Love & Nationalities.

Basic Health Vocabulary in Standard Arabic[edit | edit source]

Let's start with some basic vocabulary. These are some commonly used phrases and words that will be useful in most health-related conversations.

Vocabulary with English Translation[edit | edit source]

Standard Arabic Pronunciation English Translation
صحة săḥ-ḥa health
صحي să-ḥee healthy
مريض ma-ree-dh sick
مرض mer-dh disease
دواء doo-aa medicine
صيدلية saydălee-ă pharmacy
جرح jar-h wound
دم dam blood
عظم a-dhum bone
عين ee-n eye
أذن adh-dhin ear
فم făm mouth
أسنان us-nan teeth

Dialogues[edit | edit source]

Here are some dialogues to help you see these words in context:

  • Person 1: هل أصبحت صحتك أفضل؟ (hal 'aSbaHt sĕĥ-tak 'afDal?) (Have you become healthier?)
  • Person 2: نعم، شكراً! (na'am, shukran!) (Yes, thank you!)
  • Person 1: ما نوع المرض الذي لديك؟ (ma nawʿu lmardhi alladhi ladayk?) (What kind of disease do you have?)
  • Person 2: عندي الزكام. (ʿindī alzakām.) (I have a cold.)

Health Conditions and Symptoms in Standard Arabic[edit | edit source]

Moreover, describing a medical condition or symptoms you may be experiencing is crucial. These are some words that describe common health conditions and symptoms that you should know.

Vocabulary with English Translation[edit | edit source]

Standard Arabic Pronunciation English Translation
سعال saʿāl cough
حمى ḥamā fever
إسهال ish‛āl diarrhea
صداع saddāʿ headache
ألم alam pain
عطسة ‛atsu sneeze
قيء qayʾ vomit
سكري sakari diabetes
ضغط الدم ̧ḍghţ aldăm blood pressure
التهاب altihāb inflammation
التهاب الحلق althihab alhalq sore throat
الحساسية alĥa'sāsiyah allergy

Dialogues[edit | edit source]

  • Person 1: عندي صداع منذ صباح (ʿindī saddāʿ mundhu S̨abāH.) (I've had a headache since morning.)
  • Person 2: هل شربت ماء كافياً؟ (hal sharibta māʾa kāfiyan?) (Did you drink enough water?)
  • Person 1: أعاني من حمى وآلام (ʾaʿānī min ḥamā waʾālām) (I am suffering from a fever and pain.)
  • Person 2: يجب عليك الراحة وشرب سوائل. (yajib ʿalayka alrāHah wa shrab sawāʾil.) (You should rest and drink fluids.)

Prevention and Treatment in Standard Arabic[edit | edit source]

Finally, it is important to know how to describe and talk about prevention and treatment. Here are some terms that you should know.

Vocabulary with English Translation[edit | edit source]

Standard Arabic Pronunciation English Translation
التوقيع altawqiyʿ prevention
حماية ḥimāyā protection
طرق العلاج ţuruq alʿilāj treatment methods
الرعاية المنزلية alriʿāyat almannzilīyah home care
الأدوية الطبية alʾadwiyat altibiyah prescription drugs
مسكن الألم maskun al'alām pain reliever
علاج بالأعشاب ʿilaj bial'aʿshāb herbal treatment
التبرع بالدم alttabrūʿ biddam blood donation

Dialogues[edit | edit source]

  • Person 1: كيف يمكنني الوقاية من الزكام؟ (kayf yumkinunī alwaqaʾ min alzakām?) (How can I prevent a cold?)
  • Person 2: غسل يديك بشكل متكرر وتجنب ملامسة الأشخاص المرضى. (ghasil yadayk bishaklin mutakarrir wa tajannub mulamassat al'ashkhas almaridha.) (Wash your hands regularly and avoid contact with sick people.)
  • Person 1: أعاني من الألم (ʾaʿānī min al'alam) (I am suffering from pain.)
  • Person 2: هذا المسكن للألم سوف يساعدك. (hadha almaskun lil'alam sawfa yusaeduk.) (This pain reliever will help you.)

I hope you found this lesson helpful in improving your Vocabulary related to health in Standard Arabic. To improve your health-related Arabic vocabulary and skills, you can also use the Polyglot Club website. Find native speakers and ask them any questions.

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