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In addition to "mascotas" and "animales domésticos", we have "animales salvajes" (wild animals). These are named because they have not been domesticated by man and they live in the jungle, the forest, the savannas, deserts, etc.  
In addition to "mascotas" and "animales domésticos", we have "animales salvajes" (wild animals). These are named because they have not been domesticated by man and they live in the jungle, the forest, the savannas, deserts, etc.  
Here are expressions wild animals names:

====águila (eagle)====
====águila (eagle)====
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*Ser como un elefante en una cacharrería = Be like a bull in a china shop!
*Ser como un elefante en una cacharrería = Be like a bull in a china shop!
*Tener una memoria de elefante = have a very good memory (Have a  memory of an elephant)
*Tener una memoria de elefante = have a very good memory (Have a  memory of an elephant)
1. You eat a lot;
2. You eat without manners


Revision as of 12:06, 26 July 2018


In this lesson, we will learn vocabulary related to animals (animales) in Spanish.

We will start with words then list a few common expressions using animals.

Good learning! ;) Hope this helped you a little bit this and good luck.

Words / palabras

Español English
abeja bee
águila eagle
escorpión scorpion
alce moose
anguila eel
araña spider
ardilla squirrel
ardillita chipmunk
armadillo armadillo
ballena whale
bisonte bison
búho owl
burro donkey
caballo horse
cabra goat
caimán alligator / caiman
camaleón chameleon
cangrejo crab
canguro kangaroo
cebra zebra
cerdo Pig/pork
cisne swan
coatí coati
cocodrilo/ caiman crocodile/ alligator
colibrí hummingbird
conejo rabbit
cucaracha cockroach
cuervo crow
delfín dolphin
pájaro carpintero woodpecker
elefante elephant
escarabajo beetle
camarón prawn
gato cat
gaviota seagull
gorrión sparrow
grillo cricket
oruga caterpillar
halcón hawk
hipopótamo hippopotamus
hormiga ant
iguana iguana
jirafa giraffe
Koala Koala
lagartija lizard
león lion
libélula dragonfly
llama llama
lombriz/gusano worm
loro parrot
manatí manatee / sea cow
mantis mantis
mapache raccoon
mariposa butterfly
medusa jellyfish
mono monkey
mosca fly
mosquito mosquito
oso bear
ornitorrinco platypus
oveja sheep
paloma dove/pigeon
pavo Turkey
pato duck
pájaro bird
perro dog
petirrojo robin
pez espada swordfish
rana frog
rata rat
ratón mouse
manta-raya stingray
renacuajo tadpole
rinoceronte rhinoceros
salmón salmon
saltamontes grasshopper
tiburón shark
tigre tiger
Toro bull
tortuga turtle
trucha trout
vaca cow
venado deer
víbora snake
zancudo/mosquito mosquito
zorro Fox


Mascota / animal doméstico (pets / domestic animals)

Do you like animals? Do you have any pets? Do you know what the word "mascota" means in Spanish ? Do not? In the Spanish language the animals that live with us, in our house or flat, are called "mascotas" (pets). But it is also said "animales domésticos" (domestic animal), only that not all "animal doméstico" are "mascotas" and vice versa.

Here are expressions domestic animals names:

burro (donkey)

  • Trabajar como burro: working like donkey (working very hard).
  • Ser un burro: Be a donkey (be stupid)
  • Ser un burro de carga: Be true workhorse (a hard worker)
  • Caerse por fin del burro: finally acknowledge its mistake

caballo (horse)

  • Una fiebre de caballo: a raging fever
  • Un tratamiento a caballo: a strong medicine
  • Montar un caballo : ride a horse

gallina (hen)

  • Una gallina : a hen (a coward)
  • Tener piel de gallina : to have goose pimples
  • Ser gallina: You are afraid

Vaca (Cow)

  • Tu comes como vaca: you eat a lot (you as eat as cow)
  • Pareces vaca hechada: When you don't get out of bed

Cerdo (Pig)

  • Comes como cerdo: La frase tiene dos significados (The phrase has two meanings):

animales salvajes (wild animals)

In addition to "mascotas" and "animales domésticos", we have "animales salvajes" (wild animals). These are named because they have not been domesticated by man and they live in the jungle, the forest, the savannas, deserts, etc.

Here are expressions wild animals names:

águila (eagle)

  • Ser un águila para los negocios: Be an eagle in business.
  • Hay un águila en la bandera de México: There is an eagle on the Mexican flag
  • Tener vista de águila: To have a sharp eye

Elefante (Elephant)

  • Ser como un elefante en una cacharrería = Be like a bull in a china shop!
  • Tener una memoria de elefante = have a very good memory (Have a memory of an elephant)



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