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Berber Vocabulary - Animal

Standard Moroccan Amazigh (Standard Moroccan Tamazight: ⵜⴰⵎⴰⵣⵉⵖⵜ ⵜⴰⵏⴰⵡⴰⵢⵜ), (Arabic: الأمازيغية المعيارية), also known as Standard Moroccan Berber, is a standardized national Moroccan variety of the Berber language.

On this page we will learn some animal names in Berber.

Berber French English
Aywal Domestique Domestic
Tissist Araignée Spider
Aydi Chien   Dog
Amcic Chat   Cat
Agunid Abeille Bee
Igider Aigle Eagle
Asid Autruche Ostrich
Izimmer Bélier Sheep
Tawina Bestiole Beast
Azger Bœuf Beef
Alem Chameau Camel
Azyam Dauphin Dolphin
Ayis Cheval Horse
Aylal Oiseau Bird
Aqnin Lapin Rabbit
Aselm Poisson Fish
Izem Lion Lion
Agulez Loup Wolf

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