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Malay (individual language) Vocabulary - Count to 10

Hi Malay (individual language) learners! 😊
In this lesson, we will learn how to count to 10 in Malay. It's one of the basic skills for any language learner, and it can also be a fun exercise. We will be covering some cultural information and using analogies to help with your understanding.

Don't miss the chance to check out these pages as you wrap up this lesson: Drinks, How to say "Good Bye"?, How to say Good Bye? & Toys.

Basic Numbers[edit | edit source]

Let's start with the basic numbers from 1 to 10. Here is a table with the Malay (individual language) numbers, their pronunciation, and English translations:

Malay (individual language) Pronunciation English
Satu /ˈsatu/ One
Dua /ˈdua/ Two
Tiga /ˈtiɡa/ Three
Empat /əmˈpat/ Four
Lima /ˈlima/ Five
Enam /əˈnam/ Six
Tujuh /ˈtu.dʒuʰ/ Seven
Lapan /ˈla.pan/ Eight
Sembilan /səmˈbilan/ Nine
Sepuluh /səˈpulu/ Ten

Now, let's see some examples of how we can use these numbers in sentences:

  • Person 1: Berapa angka yang awak boleh baca? (How many numbers can you read?)
  • Person 2: Saya boleh baca dari satu hingga sepuluh. (I can read from one to ten.)

Advanced Numbers[edit | edit source]

Once you have mastered the basic numbers in Malay, it's important to also learn the advanced numbers. Here is a table with some examples:

Malay (individual language) Pronunciation English
Sebelas /səˈbɛlaʰs/ Eleven
Dua belas /ˈdua bɛlaʰs/ Twelve
Tiga belas /ˈtiɡa bɛlaʰs/ Thirteen
Empat belas /əmˈpat bɛlaʰs/ Fourteen
Lima belas /ˈlima bɛlaʰs/ Fifteen
Enam belas /əˈnam bɛlaʰs/ Sixteen
Tujuh belas /ˈtu.dʒu (h) bɛlaʰs/ Seventeen
Lapan belas /ˈla.pan bɛlaʰs/ Eighteen
Sembilan belas /səmˈbilan bɛlaʰs/ Nineteen
Dua puluh /ˈdua pulu/ Twenty

Tips and Tricks[edit | edit source]

Here are some tips and tricks to help you remember the numbers in Malay:

1. Use them in context. Memorize the numbers by using them in everyday conversations with friends or colleagues.

2. Use analogies. For example, you can think of the word "Empat" (four) as "Empat roda" (four wheels).

3. Listen to native speakers. To improve your pronunciation, it's always best to listen to native speakers. You can find native speakers on the Polyglot Club website and ask them any questions you might have.

Cultural Information[edit | edit source]

Did you know that in Malay culture, numbers are often used to express good luck or bad luck? For example, the number 4 is considered unlucky because the word for "four" in Malay sounds similar to the word for "death". On the other hand, the number 8 is considered lucky because it sounds similar to the word for "prosperity".

Additionally, in traditional Malay society, numbers were used to convey social status. For example, the number of steps leading up to a traditional Malay house was an indicator of the owner's wealth and status.

Conclusion[edit | edit source]

Congratulations, you can now count to 10 in Malay (individual language)! To improve your Malay (individual language) Vocabulary, you can also use the Polyglot Club website. Find native speakers and ask them any questions! Don't forget to practice, and have fun learning Malay (individual language)!

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