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===Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian Grammar: Gender of Adjectives - YouTube===
===Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian Grammar: Gender of Adjectives - YouTube===
==Related Lessons==
* [[Language/Croatian/Grammar/Pronouns|Pronouns]]
* [[Language/Croatian/Grammar/Future-Tense|Future Tense]]
* [[Language/Croatian/Grammar/Questions|Questions]]
* [[Language/Croatian/Grammar/Negation|Negation]]
* [[Language/Croatian/Grammar/Nouns|Nouns]]
* [[Language/Croatian/Grammar/Conditional-Mood|Conditional Mood]]
* [[Language/Croatian/Grammar/Plurals|Plurals]]


Revision as of 23:07, 25 February 2023

Croatian Grammar - Adjectives

In today's lesson, we will be discussing Croatian adjectives. Adjectives are words that describe or modify another person or thing in the sentence. In Croatian, adjectives can be used to describe nouns, pronouns, and other adjectives. We will look at how to form adjectives, how to use them in sentences, and some common examples of adjectives.

Forming Adjectives

Adjectives in Croatian are formed by adding suffixes to the root of the word. The suffixes depend on the gender, number, and case of the noun being described. For example, the adjective 'dobar' (good) has the following forms:

  • Masculine singular: dobar
  • Feminine singular: dobra
  • Neuter singular: dobro
  • Masculine plural: dobri
  • Feminine plural: dobre
  • Neuter plural: dobra


The gender of an adjective is determined by the gender of the noun it is describing. Masculine adjectives end in -i, feminine adjectives end in -a, and neuter adjectives end in -o.


The number of an adjective is determined by the number of the noun it is describing. Singular adjectives end in -i, -a, or -o, depending on the gender of the noun. Plural adjectives end in -i, -e, or -a, depending on the gender of the noun.


The case of an adjective is determined by the case of the noun it is describing. Nominative adjectives end in -i, -a, or -o, depending on the gender of the noun. Accusative adjectives end in -og, -u, or -e, depending on the gender of the noun.

Using Adjectives in Sentences

Adjectives are used to describe nouns, pronouns, and other adjectives. They usually come before the word they are describing. For example:

  • On je dobar čovjek (He is a good man).
  • Ona je lijepa žena (She is a beautiful woman).
  • To je veliko drvo (That is a big tree).

Adjectives can also be used after certain verbs, such as biti (to be), ostati (to remain), postati (to become), and izgledati (to look). For example:

  • On je dobar (He is good).
  • Ona je lijepa (She is beautiful).
  • To je veliko (That is big).

Adjectives can also be used to compare two things. For example:

  • On je bolji od nje (He is better than her).
  • Ona je ljepša od njega (She is prettier than him).
  • To je veće od toga (That is bigger than that).

Common Examples of Adjectives

Here are some common examples of adjectives in Croatian:

  • Dobar (good)
  • Lijep (beautiful)
  • Velik (big)
  • Malen (small)
  • Dug (long)
  • Kratak (short)
  • Težak (heavy)
  • Lagan (light)
  • Star (old)
  • Nov (new)
  • Visok (tall)
  • Nizak (short)
  • Sladak (sweet)
  • Gorak (bitter)

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Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian Grammar: Gender of Adjectives - YouTube

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