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Morisyen Vocabulary - Drinks

Hi Morisyen learners! 😊
In this lesson, we will learn about drinks in Morisyen. Refreshing drinks are an integral part of Mauritian culture to cool down on a sunny day or pair with spicy food. So, let's dive in and expand our Morisyen vocabulary! 🤓

Consider broadening your understanding by checking out these related lessons: Geography & Fruits.

Common Beverages[edit | edit source]

Let's begin by learning the most common beverages in Morisyen:

Morisyen Pronunciation English
dlo 🗣️ da-lo /dlo/ water
the ☕ te /tɛ/ tea
kafé ☕ kafeh /ka.fe/ coffee
jus 🍹 joo /ʒys/ juice
siranade 🍶 si.ranad /si.ʁa.nad/ lemonade
piman 🌶️ pee.mahn / chilli-infused tea

Here are some examples of how to use these words in a conversation:

  • Person 1: Mo kontan en ver le dlo svp. 🗣️ (Can I have a glass of water please?)
  • Person 2: Wi, al gagn mo laport. 🗣️ (Yes, let me get you a cup.)
  • Person 1: Mo bizin enn kafe ék lait. ☕ (I need a coffee with milk.)
  • Person 2: Mo port pou servi ou. ☕ (I'll bring it for you.)
  • Person 1: Zot pa pe fer lait fres an lemonade isi? 🍶 (Do you guys make fresh lemonade here?)
  • Person 2: Wi, bizin get laprés pou vinni. 🍶 (Yes, you'll have to wait a bit for it to be ready.)

Alcoholic Drinks[edit | edit source]

Now, let's learn some alcoholic beverages in Morisyen:

Morisyen Pronunciation English
labwad 🍷 la.bwad /la.bwaːd/ wine
byer 🍺 bè-yé / beer
rom 🍹 ron /ʁɔn/ rum
dilwit 🥃 dil.wit /di.lwit/ whisky
konyak 🥃 ko.njak /ko.njak/ cognac

Here are some examples of how to use these words in a conversation:

  • Person 1: Mo voudré byer lager svp. 🗣️ (I'd like to have a cold beer please.)
  • Person 2: Kontan servi ou. 🗣️ (Gladly serve you.)
  • Person 1: Mo kontan en ver byen glas dilwit. 🥃 (I want a glass of whisky on the rocks.)
  • Person 2: Ki lekel dilwit ou prefere? 🥃 (Which brand of whisky do you prefer?)

Traditional Drinks[edit | edit source]

Morisyan culture also has a variety of traditional drinks that are unique and delicious. Let's learn some examples:

Morisyen Pronunciation English
alouda 🍹 / drink made with basil seeds, milk, and coconut milk
lernee 🍹 lèrne /lɛrnɛ/ drink made with fermented rice, served with fried vegetable fritters
boukha 🍸 bu.ha /bu.ha/ drink made from dates and flavored with anise seeds
ti-punch 🍹 ti.ponsh /ti.pɔ̃ʃ/ drink made with white rum, cane syrup, and lime

Here are some examples of how to use these words in a conversation:

  • Person 1: Enn alouda, svp. 🗣️ (One Alouda, please.)
  • Person 2: Sa vini. 🗣️ (This is coming right up.)
  • Person 1: Ki la diferans ant enn dal-pouri é enn lernee? 🍹 (What is the difference between dal-pouri and lernée?)
  • Person 2: Lernée li servi ar vegetable frire, alor ki dal-pouri li enroulé dan enn galette. 🍹 (Lerne is served with vegetable fritters while dal-pouri is wrapped in a pancake.)
  • Person 1: Ki bouteille boukha ki ou anvi servi? 🍸 (Which bottle of Boukha do you want to serve?)
  • Person 2: Kamaro, lo fai pou sa ka. 🍸 (Kamaro, it's perfect for that.)

Conclusion[edit | edit source]

We hope that you enjoyed learning about drinks in Morisyen. Remember the vocabulary you've learned and practice using them in everyday conversations. To improve your Morisyen vocabulary, visit our Find native speakers and ask them any questions. You can also check out our Morisyen [Language/Morisyen/Vocabulary|Vocabulary] page on the Polyglot Club website. 😎

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➡ Feel free to edit this wiki page if you think it can be improved. 😎

Sources[edit | edit source]

With this lesson finished, you may want to explore these additional pages: Days of the Week & Clothes.

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