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Swiss German Vocabulary - Education

Hi Swiss German learners! 😊
In this lesson, we will focus on Swiss German vocabulary related to education. Education is crucial for personal development, and it is essential to know the appropriate terms in Swiss German to communicate effectively with educators and students.

With the completion of this lesson, consider investigating these related pages: Fruits & Geography.

School Types[edit | edit source]

Switzerland has a unique education system. There are many types of schools, and each type serves different educational goals. Below are some of the most common school types in Switzerland.

Swiss German Pronunciation English
die Primarschule dee Pree-mahr-shoo-luh Primary school
die Sekundarschule dee Sek-oon-dahr-shoo-luh Secondary school
das Gymnasium dahs Gee-mnah-zee-oom High school
die Berufsfachschule dee Beh-roofs-faaks-shoo-luh Vocational school


  • Ann: "Mein Kind geht in die Primarschule." (My child goes to primary school.)
  • Tom: "Meine Schwester ist auf dem Gymnasium." (My sister is in high school.)

University[edit | edit source]

Switzerland is renowned for its excellence in higher education. The country has many prestigious universities and specialized schools offering studies in various fields.

Swiss German Pronunciation English
die Universität dee Oo-nee-fehr-zee-tayt University
die Hochschule dee Hohks-shoo-luh University of applied sciences
die Fachhochschule dee Fahks-hohks-shoo-luh Technical college
die Pädagogische Hochschule dee Pay-dah-goh-gish-uh Hohks-shoo-luh College of education


  • Maria: "Ich studiere an der Universität Zürich." (I study at the University of Zurich.)
  • Andreas: "Ich habe eine Ausbildung an der Fachhochschule gemacht." (I had vocational training at a technical college.)

School Subjects[edit | edit source]

Swiss German vocabulary related to school subjects is essential for students, teachers, and parents.

Swiss German Pronunciation English
die Mathematik dee Mah-teh-mah-tik Mathematics
die Naturwissenschaft dee Nah-toor-vee-senshahft Science
die Geschichte dee Geh-shicht-uh History
die Sprachen dee Sproo-chen Languages


  • Sophie: "Welches Fach findest du am schwierigsten?" (Which subject do you find the most challenging?)
  • Paul: "Ich habe Schwierigkeiten in Mathematik." (I have difficulties with mathematics.)

School Supplies[edit | edit source]

There are many school supplies in Swiss German. The following table shows some of the most common items.

Swiss German Pronunciation English
der Bleistift dehr Blaise-tift Pencil
das Heft dahs Hehft Notebook
der Radiergummi dehr Rah-dee-ehr-goom-mee Eraser
der Rucksack dehr Rook-sahk Backpack


  • Tim: "Hast du meinen Bleistift gesehen?"(Have you seen my pencil?)
  • Jan: "Ja, er ist auf deinem Heft." (Yes, it's on your notebook.)

Swiss Educational System[edit | edit source]

Switzerland's education system is unique and varies by canton. Education is compulsory for ten years, starting at the age of six. After that, students have the option to attend a vocational school or a high school (Gymnasium). Students who choose the high school route will graduate after six years and take a test called the "Matura." The Matura is a comprehensive exam that tests students' knowledge in various subjects, preparing them for university entrance. The Swiss education system is bilingual (German and French) and emphasizes practical training to ensure students are well-prepared to enter the workforce.

If you want to improve your Swiss German vocabulary related to education further, you can use Polyglot Club to find native speakers and ask them any questions. You can also review the vocabulary related to other themes.

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