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How to Ask Questions in Susu

Hello Susu learners,

➡ In today's lesson you will learn some useful Questions in Susu language.

Happy learning!

Consider exploring these related pages after completing this lesson: Say Hello and Greetings in Susu, Family, Marital Status & Asking for Directions.

Susu English
I baba nanse wali rabama? What does your father do?
I xa denbaya sabatixi minden? Where does yours family live?
E sabatixi minden? Where do they live?
I xçnyi na minden? Where do you live?
I xili di? What is your name?
Xaranderaba  na i ra? Are you a teacher?
I munse wali rabama? What is your work?
Lanbe mundun? What’s your family name?
I wali mundun rabama? What is yor work?
I metiye  mundun rabama? What is your job?
I wali mçli mundun rabama? What is your work?

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