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Cultural Note[edit | edit source]

  • African, in general, are not precise as far as distances are concerned. They may use certain landmarks (xure sEtima, pani banxi xanbira, mango bili fEma) and phrases such as (yare, fEma, pon) instead.
  • An African might say : “A mu makuya”, A na be birin” even though the place is either very far or has difficult access.
  • If not busy, many Africans prefer to accompany the person who asks for directions.
  • Generally, people think it impolite to refuse to give directions to someone. Thus rather than refuse, they sometimes gives incorrect directions.

Therefore, it is advisable to verify the information you receive with several people.

Asking for Directions[edit | edit source]

minden? Where?
kira na minden? Where is the road to?
kira na minden birin? Which way is the road?
kira masen n bE Show me the way
N kira na fenfe I am looking for the way to

Distances[edit | edit source]

A makuya? Is it far?
A makuya be ra? Is it far from here?
A makçrE ? Is it close /nearby?
A makçrE be ra? It near here?

Giving Directions[edit | edit source]

yi  kira giri Cross the road
yi kira tongo Take / go on road
so yifanyima Turn right
siga tinxinyima Go straight ahead
bira yi kira fçxira follow this road
siga han kiraxunyi go to the cross roads/ intersection
so kçlama turn left
¯ErE yi kira kçnma walk on this road

Asking for clarification[edit | edit source]

hakEto Pardon /Excuse me
di? What?
munse? What?
I naxa munse ? What did you say?

Responding to thanks[edit | edit source]

I nu wali Thank you
Awa Ok

Places[edit | edit source]

banki The bank
pçsta the post office
yami = misidi the mosque
eglisi the church
makiti the market
xarandebanxi the school
labitani the hospital
otEl the hotel
pçn the bridge
bar the bar
kiraxunyi the cross roads /intersection
sinema banxi the move
sççpi the shop
gari watiri the station
xure river
furu                                         baker ‘s shop

Prepositions[edit | edit source]

xanbi ra behind
yare in front of
fEma near
sEtima next to
dEra next to
tagi between
kui in
be birin near here
mabirin toward
pon far
be here
mEnni there, over there
kçlama a left
yifanyima a right
labe birin toward the bottom
fuge birin toward the top
ma at, on

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