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The Present Tenses in Susu

Hello Susu learners,

➡ In today's lesson you will learn how to form the different Present Tenses in Susu language.

Happy learning!

Don't hesitate to look into these other pages after completing this lesson: Say Hello and Greetings in Susu, The subject pronouns & The Demonstratives.

The punctual present : The action is happening at the present moment.[edit | edit source]

Ex. : N sigafe makiti

S + V (fe) + C

The negation is :

N mu sigafe makiti S + neg + V (fe) + C

The two forms of present tense are used somewhat interchangeably by native speakers. There is a tendency to think that their meanings are the same. In both cases the action is not completed. Both forms of the present can be used with the time marker

Yakçsi = now

The habitual present : This form of present tense is used for habitual or daily actions.[edit | edit source]

Ex. : N sigama makiti lçxE birin S + V (ma) + C + C

The negation is :

N mu sigama makiti lçxE birin S + neg + V (ma) + C

Other form[edit | edit source]

There is also the form of present tense used to relate several actions in succession. In this case you use the radical of the verbs preceded by a pronoun.

Ex : N nu xunun, n na n maxa, n dEba don, n na n maso .

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