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The Past Tenses in Susu

Hello Susu learners,

➡ In today's lesson you will learn how to form the different Past Tenses in Susu language.

Happy learning!

After mastering this lesson, these related pages might interest you: Say Hello and Greetings in Susu, The subject pronouns & Object Pronouns.

Vocabulary[edit | edit source]

xoro Yesterday
xoro bora the day before yesterday
xoro bora xanbi two days ago
xoro bora nga xanbi three days ago
to today
lçxE xun dangixi last week
kike dangixi last month
¯E  dangixi last year
yala last year
xoro nunmare yesterday afternoon
wali nu bara After the work

GRAMMAR[edit | edit source]

There are many forms of past tense in susu.

The form with naxa[edit | edit source]

Naxa is used for narration

There is no negative form of naxa.

Naxa is used for completed actions.

The naxa form is widely used by the susu.

  • Ex. : A naxa siga makiti

He went to the market

The form with bara[edit | edit source]

Bara is used for a process that has begun, but says nothing about the end or completion of the process.

  • Ex. : A bara mini tande

He has already gone outside

  • E bara siga makiti

They already went to the market

The form with nE[edit | edit source]

Is used for a process that is already finished, the action completed.

  • Ex. : N siga nE makiti

I went to the market

  • N fa nE banxi

I came to the house

Table of the different past forms with the time markers.[edit | edit source]


Fatu  naxa siga makiti

S + naxa + V  + C

Fatou went to the


Fatu bara siga makiti

S    + bara + V + C

Fatu has already to the market

Fatu siga nE  makiti

S    + V  + nE  + C

Fatou went to the market

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