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Sango Grammar - Future Tense

Hi Sango learners! 😊
In this lesson, we will learn about the future tense in Sango. The future tense allows us to talk about upcoming events and actions. Knowing how to use the future tense is essential for communicating about future plans and arrangements.

Take a moment to explore these relevant pages as you conclude this lesson: How to Use Have & Conditional Mood.

Formation[edit | edit source]

To form the future tense in Sango, we use the auxiliary verb "ko" followed by the infinitive form of the main verb. The infinitive form of a verb is its basic form, without any tense or conjugation.

Here is the basic formula for constructing sentences in the future tense:

Subject + ko + Infinitive Verb

For example:

Sango Pronunciation English
Na ko tika. na ko t͡ʃika I will cook.

Here, "na" is the subject, "ko" is the auxiliary verb, and "tika" is the infinitive form of the verb "tí" which means "to cook".

Usage[edit | edit source]

1. Expressing future actions

The most common use of the future tense is to talk about things that will happen in the future. Here are some examples:

Sango Pronunciation English
A ko yɛlɛ. a ko yɛlɛ He will speak.
Mu ko taŋa wɛlɛ. mu ko taŋa wɛlɛ We will work tomorrow.
O ko somi. o ko somi They will sleep.

2. Making predictions

Sango also uses the future tense to make predictions about things that are likely or certain to happen, but not necessarily planned. Here are some examples:

Sango Pronunciation English
Bɛ ko nesesɛra. bɛ ko nɛsɛsɛra It will rain.
O ko gba ti banga. o ko gba ti baŋa They will win the game.

3. Giving orders or commands

The future tense can also be used to give orders or commands in a forceful way. Here are some examples:

Sango Pronunciation English
Ko tɛ ye. ko tɛ je Eat now.
Bɛ ko fo. bɛ ko fo Go away.

4. Making promises or commitments

The future tense can be used to make promises or commitments about something that will happen in the future. Here are some examples:

Sango Pronunciation English
A ko fɛnɛ. a ko fɛnɛ I will help.
O kò da ŋa moni. o ko da ŋa moni They will give you the money.

The future tense is also used in conditional sentences to express what will happen if something else happens. Here's an example:

Sango Pronunciation English
Na ko suŋa kaɲ. na ko suŋa kaɲ I will swim if I have time.

In this sentence, "suŋa" means "to swim" and "kaɲ" means "time". "If I have time" is expressed with the conditional particle "ka", which we've seen before in the present tense.

Dialogue[edit | edit source]

Here's an example dialogue so you can see future tense words in context:

  • Person 1: Bɛ̀ ko gu. (We will go.)
  • Person 2: Bɛ̀ kòla mbala. (We will play soccer.)
  • Person 1: Ko ngèngia? (What time?)
  • Person 2: Kò mpèdi. (At 3 o'clock.)

Practice[edit | edit source]

Now it's time for you to practice what you've learned! Use the future tense to talk about your plans for tomorrow. Don't forget to use the auxiliary verb "ko" followed by an infinitive verb!

Tips[edit | edit source]

- To improve your Sango Grammar, you can also use the Polyglot Club website. Find native speakers and ask them any questions! - Remember, the future tense is always used with the auxiliary verb "ko" and the infinitive form of the main verb. - In Sango, the future tense is used to refer to future events that are planned, probable, or predicted. It can also be used to give orders, make promises or commitments, and express conditional statements.

Sources[edit | edit source]

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