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Jamaican Creole English Vocabulary - Education

Hi Jamaican Creole English learners! 😊
In this lesson, we will focus on Jamaican Creole English vocabulary related to education. Education is important because it helps in the development of an individual and society at large. In Jamaica, education is taken seriously, with many students pursuing tertiary education, although illiteracy still plagues some communities. Let's dive into the lesson and expand our vocabulary!

Take a moment to explore these relevant pages as you conclude this lesson: How to Say Hello and Greetings & Clothes.

School[edit | edit source]

Education in Jamaica starts at an early age, from primary to secondary and tertiary education. Jamaican Creole English has a special set of vocabulary related to school. Here are some basic terms you should know:

Jamaican Creole English Pronunciation English
Skuul skuul School
Pikni / Pickney pik-nee A Child
Klaz / Klas klahz A Class
Tesa teh-sah Test
Buk buhk A Book
Laan / Larn lahn Learn
Chalk chawlk Chalk
Piench pee-ench Pencil
Piip pee-yp Pen
Ril ril Ruler
Papaa, Diaari pah-pah, dyaa-ree Paper, Diary
  • Person 1: Mi pikni go skuul today. (My child goes to school today.)
  • Person 2: Wa yu goin fi buy fi im? Buk? Piench? (What are you going to buy for him? Book? Pencil?)

University[edit | edit source]

University education is essential in Jamaica, with many universities and colleges offering a wide range of courses. The following table displays Jamaican Creole English vocabulary related to university education:

Jamaican Creole English Pronunciation English
Unuvasiti you-nuh-vah-si-tee University
Kolij / Kolej koh-lij College
Kores koh-rez A Course
Stuudent stoo-den Student
Profesa pro-fay-sah Professor
Tekka teh-kah Take
Pas pahs Pass
Fael feyl Fail
Skoolazhip sko-olah-zhip Scholarship
  • Person 1: Wa unu go tekka? (What course are you taking?)
  • Person 2: Mi a tekka kores ina buizniz manijment. (I'm taking a course in business management.)

Subjects[edit | edit source]

In school, many subjects are taught in Jamaican Creole English, although some subjects like English and Foreign Languages use Standard English. Here are some common subjects and their translations:

Jamaican Creole English Pronunciation English
Inglish ing-glish English
Matimatiks ma-ti-ma-tiks Mathematics
Siyans sa-yans Science
Soshaalstadiiz soh-shal-sta-deez Social Studies
Lietratesi lih-truh-teh-see Literacy/Literature
Fizik fee-zik Physics
Kemi keh-mi Chemistry
Baayalaji bah-yah-lah-jee Biology
  • Person 1: Wa yaad sayans teacha gi unu fi homwok? (What did the science teacher give you for homework?)
  • Person 2: Im gi wi fi lein bout di elements a di pariyadik taibl. (He gave us to learn about the elements of the periodic table.)

Examinations[edit | edit source]

Examinations are a pivotal part of education, as it is used to assess the knowledge of students. Jamaican Creole English has some words related to examinations. Here are some examples:

Jamaican Creole English Pronunciation English
Ekzam ek-zam Exam
Kweschan kweh-shun Question
Riipl rih-pl Reap
Mistiek miss-tek Mistake
Kwailup kwahy-luhp Qualify
Maak mahk Mark
  • Person 1: Yu paas di test? (Did you pass the test?)
  • Person 2: Yes mi paas it, but mi mek wan likkle mistiek. (Yes, I passed it, but I made a little mistake.)

Conclusion[edit | edit source]

Education is vital for the growth and development of individuals and society. In Jamaica, many opportunities are available for students to pursue their academic dreams, and knowing Jamaican Creole English vocabulary related to education can be useful. Remember to practice and use these words, and to continue learning new ones. To improve your Jamaican Creole English Vocabulary, you can also use the Polyglot Club website. Find native speakers and ask them any questions!

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➡ Feel free to edit this wiki page if you think it can be improved. 😎

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