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Igbo Vocabulary - Food

In today's lesson, we will learn some Igbo words related to food. We will also learn some phrases using these words. Please feel free to edit this wiki page if you think it can be improved. 😎

Take a moment to explore these relevant pages as you conclude this lesson: Clothes, Education, Family & Days of the Week.

Main Words[edit | edit source]

Word in Igbo Pronunciation English Translation
ụkwụ ukwu food
ọfụ ofu soup
ọbụna obuna stew
ọma oma pepper
ọcha ocha tea
ọjọ ojo water
ọsọ oso salt
ọdịa odia oil
ọhụrụ ohuru sugar
ọkụ oku rice
ọkpụkpọ okpukpo yam
ọkpa okpa bread
ọkọ oko corn
ọkụ oku beans

Phrases[edit | edit source]

  • Ụkwụ nke m nwere ike ịmata? (ukwu nke m nwere ike imata?) – What food do you like?
  • Ndị ọma nke m nwere ike ihe ndị ọzọ? (ndi oma nke m nwere ike ihe ndi ozo?) – What kind of pepper do you want?
  • Ndị ọsọ nke m nwere ike ihe ndị ọzọ? (ndi oso nke m nwere ike ihe ndi ozo?) – What kind of salt do you want?
  • Ndị ọhụrụ nke m nwere ike ihe ndị ọzọ? (ndi ohuru nke m nwere ike ihe ndi ozo?) – What kind of sugar do you want?
  • Ndị ọkpụkpọ nke m nwere ike ihe ndị ọzọ? (ndi okpukpo nke m nwere ike ihe ndi ozo?) – What kind of yam do you want?
  • Ndị ọkpa nke m nwere ike ihe ndị ọzọ? (ndi okpa nke m nwere ike ihe ndi ozo?) – What kind of bread do you want?
  • Ndị ọkọ nke m nwere ike ihe ndị ọzọ? (ndi oko nke m nwere ike ihe ndi ozo?) – What kind of corn do you want?
  • Ndị ọkụ nke m nwere ike ihe ndị ọzọ? (ndi oku nke m nwere ike ihe ndi ozo?) – What kind of beans do you want?
  • Ndị ọfụ nke m nwere ike ihe ndị ọzọ? (ndi ofu nke m nwere ike ihe ndi ozo?) – What kind of soup do you want?
  • Ndị ọbụna nke m nwere ike ihe ndị ọzọ? (ndi obuna nke m nwere ike ihe ndi ozo?) – What kind of stew do you want?
  • Ndị ọcha nke m nwere ike ihe ndị ọzọ? (ndi ocha nke m nwere ike ihe ndi ozo?) – What kind of tea do you want?
  • Ndị ọjọ nke m nwere ike ihe ndị ọzọ? (ndi ojo nke m nwere ike ihe ndi ozo?) – What kind of water do you want?

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