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Animals in Hausa
Animals in Hausa

Hello Everyone, 😊

In today’s lesson we are going to study the following topic: ”ANIMALS” in Hausa

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Animals in Hausa[edit | edit source]





The fish Kifi kih fih O peixe
The bird Tsuntsu tsoon tsou O pássaro
The dog Kare kah reh O cachorro
The pig Alade ah lah deh O porco
The rabbit Zomo zoh moh O coelho
The donkey Jaki jah kih O burro
The mouse Linzamin


lihn zah mihn

kou ahn fou tah

O rato
The horse Doki doh kih O cavalo
The turtle Kunkuru koon kou rou A tartaruga
The spider Gizo-gizo gih zoh gih zoh A aranha
The duck Duck agwagwa O pato
The lion Zaki ah gou ah gou ah O leão
The bear Beyar beh yahr O urso
The elephant Giwa gee ou ah O elefante
The cat Kyanwa kee ah nou ah O gato

Other Animals[edit | edit source]

Catmage Dogkare Mousekusu
Birdtsuntsu Cowsaniya Horsedoki

Videos[edit | edit source]

Names of fruits, Animals and mode of transportation in Hausa ...[edit | edit source]

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