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Fon Vocabulary - Fruits

Hi Fon learners! 😊

In this lesson, we will be learning about fruits in Fon. Learning the names of fruits in Fon is essential when visiting markets or ordering food in Fon-speaking areas. By the end of this lesson, you will be able to name more than 20 fruits in Fon. Let's get started! 🍎🍌🍇🍓🍊

Take a moment to explore these relevant pages as you conclude this lesson: Colors & How to Say Hello and Greetings.

Essential Vocabulary[edit | edit source]

Here is a list of some essential vocabulary that you need to know when it comes to fruits in Fon:

Fon Pronunciation English
Agbayun /agbaʲun/ Pineapple
Gbogname /gbɔgnamɛ/ Watermelon
Agbalumo /agbalumɔ/ African Star Apple
Ahoma /ahɔma/ Mango
Avocado /afocado/ Avocado
Cherry /cherry/ Cherry
Clementine /clementine/ Clementine
Coconut /coconut/ Coconut
Dacenuti /datʃɛnuti/ Dates
Exotic fruits /eksɔtik fruits/ Exotic fruits
Garden Egg /garden ɛg/ Garden Egg
Grape /grape/ Grape
Guava /guava/ Guava
Kiwi /kiwi/ Kiwi
Lime /lime/ Lime
Orange /orange/ Orange
Papaya Papaya Papaya
Passion Fruit /passion fruit/ Passion Fruit
Pineapple /pineapple/ Pineapple
Plum /plum/ Plum
Pomegranate /pomegranate/ Pomegranate
Tangerine /tangerine/ Tangerine
Watermelon /watermelon/ Watermelon

More Vocabulary[edit | edit source]

Here are a few more fruits to add to your vocabulary list:

Fon Pronunciation English
Apple /apple/ Apple
Banana /banana/ Banana
Blackberry /blɛkberry/ Blackberry
Blueberry /blunberry/ Blueberry
Cherry /cherry/ Cherry
Cranberry /cranberry/ Cranberry
Fig /fig/ Fig
Grapes /grapes/ Grapes
Lemon /lɛmɔn/ Lemon
Lychee /lychii/ Lychee
Mandarine /mandarin/ Mandarine
Melon /mɛlon/ Melon
Nectarine /nɛktarin/ Nectarine
Peach /pɛtʃ/ Peach
Pear /pear/ Pear
Plum /plum/ Plum
Redcurrant /rɛdkurrant/ Redcurrant
Strawberry /strawberry/ Strawberry
Raspberry /raspberry/ Raspberry

Dialogue[edit | edit source]

Person 1: Me màwù, ade Ahoma xò nú? (Hey, do you want some mango?)

Person 2: Yé, ná ěwù ade Ahoma. (Yes, I would like some mango.)

Person 1: Xò nú kònú xwéwù? (How many do you want?)

Person 2: Xò nú be helyi. (Just give me one.)

Person 1: Tʃénufú, ade Ahoma là. (Okay, here's your mango.)

Person 2: Yi ké yé! (It looks delicious!)

Culture Corner[edit | edit source]

Fruit plays an important role in Fon culture. Fruits and other foods are often used as offerings to deities or ancestors. Fruits such as pineapple, oranges, and watermelons are especially popular in festivities and celebrations.

Practice[edit | edit source]

Now it's your turn to practice your new vocabulary. Walk around your house and see how many fruits you can name in Fon. Additionally, you can visit a local market and try out your new words.

To improve your Fon Vocabulary, you can also use the Polyglot Club website. Find native speakers and ask them any questions!

Sources[edit | edit source]

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➡ Feel free to edit this wiki page if you think it can be improved. 😎

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