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FinnishVocabulary0 to A1 Course → Everyday Phrases and Expressions → Transportation and Travel

Introduction[edit | edit source]

In this lesson, we will focus on learning the names of common modes of transportation and travel-related vocabulary in Finnish. Being able to talk about transportation and travel is essential for daily life and can greatly enhance your ability to navigate and communicate in Finnish-speaking regions. By the end of this lesson, you will have a solid foundation of vocabulary related to transportation and travel, allowing you to confidently discuss these topics with native Finnish speakers. So, let's get started!

Modes of Transportation[edit | edit source]

Let's begin by learning the names of different modes of transportation in Finnish. Whether you're traveling by car, train, or plane, it's important to know the correct vocabulary to use in order to communicate effectively. Here are some common modes of transportation in Finnish:

By Car[edit | edit source]

Finnish Pronunciation English
Auto [ˈɑuto̞] Car
Moottoripyörä [ˈmo̞ɔtːo̞ripyːræ] Motorcycle
Polkupyörä [ˈpo̞lkuˌpyːræ] Bicycle
Taksit [ˈtɑksit] Taxi
Bussi [ˈbusːi] Bus
Raitiovaunu [ˈrɑi̯tio̞ˌʋɑu̯nu] Tram
Junan [ˈjunaˌn] Train
Moottorikelkka [ˈmo̞ɔtːo̞riˌkelkːɑ] Snowmobile
Rekka [ˈrekːɑ] Truck

By Air[edit | edit source]

Finnish Pronunciation English
Lentokone [ˈle̞nto̞ˌko̞ne̞] Airplane
Helikopteri [ˈhe̞liko̞pˌteri] Helicopter
Lennokki [ˈle̞nno̞kːi] Drone
Lentopallo [ˈle̞nto̞ˌpɑlːo̞] Hot Air Balloon

By Water[edit | edit source]

Finnish Pronunciation English
Laiva [ˈlɑi̯ʋɑ] Ship
Purjevene [ˈpurje̞ˌʋe̞ne̞] Sailboat
Moottorivene [ˈmo̞ɔtːo̞riˌʋe̞ne̞] Motorboat
Kajakki [ˈkɑjɑkːi] Kayak

By Public Transportation[edit | edit source]

Finnish Pronunciation English
Juna [ˈjuna] Train
Bussi [ˈbusːi] Bus
Raitiovaunu [ˈrɑi̯tio̞ˌʋɑu̯nu] Tram
Metro [ˈmetro̞] Metro
Taksit [ˈtɑksit] Taxi
Lentokenttäbussi [ˈle̞nto̞ˌkentːæbusːi] Airport Shuttle

By Foot[edit | edit source]

Sometimes the best way to get around is by walking. Here are some useful words related to walking and hiking in Finnish:

Finnish Pronunciation English
Kävellä [ˈkæ̞ʋelːæ] To walk
Kävely [ˈkæ̞ʋe̞lːy] Walking
Kävelytie [ˈkæ̞ʋe̞lːyˌtie̞] Pedestrian Path
Polku [ˈpo̞lkːu] Trail
Vaellus [ˈʋɑe̞lːus] Hiking
Retkeily [ˈretke̞i̯ly] Camping

Travel-related Vocabulary[edit | edit source]

Now that we've covered the different modes of transportation, let's move on to travel-related vocabulary. These words and phrases will come in handy when planning a trip or talking about your travel experiences. Take a look:

At the Airport[edit | edit source]

Finnish Pronunciation English
Lentokenttä [ˈle̞nto̞ˌkentːæ] Airport
Lähtöportti [ˈlæ̞htø̞ˌpo̞rtːi] Departure Gate
Saapumisportti [ˈsɑːpumiˌspo̞rtːi] Arrival Gate
Lähtöselvitys [ˈlæ̞htø̞ˌselvitys] Check-in
Turvatarkastus [ˈturʋɑtˌtɑrkɑstus] Security Check
Matkatavarat [ˈmɑtkɑtɑˌʋɑrɑt] Luggage
Matkalaukku [ˈmɑtkɑˌlɑukːu] Suitcase
Käsimatkatavara [ˈkæ̞simɑtkɑtɑˌʋɑrɑ] Carry-on Baggage
Tulli [ˈtulli] Customs
Passintarkastus [ˈpɑssinˌtɑrkɑstus] Passport Control
Pysäköinti [ˈpysæ̞ˌkø̞inti] Parking

At the Train Station[edit | edit source]

Finnish Pronunciation English
Rautatieasema [ˈrɑutɑtie̯ˌɑse̞mɑ] Train Station
Lippuhalli [ˈlipːuˌhɑlːi] Ticket Hall
Lipunmyynti [ˈlipːunˌmʏynti] Ticket Office
Junalaituri [ˈjunaˌlɑituri] Platform
Aikataulu [ˈɑikɑˌtɑulu] Schedule
Taulu [ˈtɑulu] Departure Board
Matkatavarasäilytys [ˈmɑtkɑtɑˌʋɑrɑsæ̞ilytys] Luggage Storage
Ravintolavaunu [ˈrɑʋi̯ntolɑˌʋɑu̯nu] Dining Car
WC [ʋe̞ˈse̞] Restroom
Matkalippu [ˈmɑtkɑˌlipːu] Travel Ticket

On the Road[edit | edit source]

Here are some useful words and phrases related to traveling by road:

Finnish Pronunciation English
Tie [ˈtie̞] Road
Moottoritie [ˈmo̞ɔtːo̞riˌtie̞] Highway
Kaksikaistainen tie [ˈkɑksiˌkɑistɑine̞n ˌtie̞] Two-lane Road
Risteys [ˈriste̞ys] Intersection
Liikennevalot [ˈli̯ikenne̞ˌʋɑlot] Traffic Lights
Kaista [ˈkɑistɑ] Lane
Pysäköinti [ˈpysæ̞ˌkø̞inti] Parking
Pysäköintikiekko [ˈpysæ̞ˌkø̞intikiˌe̞kːo̞] Parking Disc
Pysäköintimittari [ˈpysæ̞ˌkø̞intimittɑri] Parking Meter
Huoltoasema [ˈhuolto̞ˌɑse̞mɑ] Gas Station
Moottoritiemaksu [ˈmo̞ɔtːo̞riˌtie̞mɑksu] Toll Road

Buying Tickets[edit | edit source]

When traveling, you will often need to purchase tickets for various modes of transportation. Here are some words and phrases related to buying tickets:

Finnish Pronunciation English
Lippu [ˈlipːu] Ticket
Meno-paluulippu [ˈme̞no̞ˈpɑluˌlipːu] Round-trip Ticket
Menolippu [ˈme̞no̞ˌlipːu] One-way Ticket
Hinnoittelu [ˈhinno̞itˌtɛlu] Pricing
Maksu [ˈmɑksu] Payment
Käteinen [ˈkæ̞te̞i̯ne̞n] Cash
Pankkikortti [ˈpɑŋːkːiˌko̞rtːi] Debit Card
Luottokortti [ˈlo̞u̯tːo̞ˌko̞rtːi] Credit Card
Matkalippuautomaatti [ˈmɑtkɑˌlipːuˌɑuto̞ˈmɑtːi] Ticket Machine

Cultural Insights[edit | edit source]

When discussing transportation and travel in Finland, it's important to note that the country has an extensive and efficient public transportation system. The Finnish government heavily invests in infrastructure, making it easy to travel within and between cities using various modes of transportation. Trains, buses, and trams are widely available in urban areas, while regional and international travel can be done by airplane or ferry. Finland is also known for its cycling culture, with many well-maintained bike paths and bike-friendly cities.

Another interesting aspect of Finnish culture is the tradition of "mökkeily," which refers to spending time at a summer cottage. Many Finns own a small cottage in the countryside, often near a lake, where they retreat to during the summer months. Mökkes are typically without modern amenities such as running water or electricity, providing a rustic and peaceful experience close to nature. During weekends and holidays, it's common for Finns to travel to their cottages to relax, enjoy saunas, and engage in outdoor activities like swimming, fishing, and hiking.

Exercises[edit | edit source]

Now it's time to practice what you've learned! Try completing the following exercises to reinforce your understanding of transportation and travel-related vocabulary in Finnish.

1. Match the following Finnish words with their English translations:

a) Auto b) Lentokone c) Laiva d) Kävely e) Rautatieasema

i) Car ii) Airplane iii) Ship iv) Walking v) Train Station

Solution: a) Car - i) Car b) Lentokone - ii) Airplane c) Laiva - iii) Ship d) Kävely - iv) Walking e) Rautatieasema - v) Train Station

2. Complete the sentences with the correct transportation-related vocabulary:

a) Haluan matkustaa lentokoneella, joten varaan lipun _______. b) Onko täällä lähistöllä _______ pysäköintialue? c) Ostin _______ ja aion kävellä pitkin polkuja. d) Junalaiturilta lähtee seuraava juna _______. e) _______ on hyvä tapa tutustua kaupunkiin.

Solution: a) Haluan matkustaa lentokoneella, joten varaan lipun _lentokoneeseen_. b) Onko täällä lähistöllä _ilmainen_ pysäköintialue? c) Ostin _kartan_ ja aion kävellä pitkin polkuja. d) Junalaiturilta lähtee seuraava juna _kohti Helsinkiä_. e) _Pyöräily_ on hyvä tapa tutustua kaupunkiin.

Conclusion[edit | edit source]

Congratulations! You have now learned the names of common modes of transportation and travel-related vocabulary in Finnish. This knowledge will greatly assist you in navigating and communicating during your travels in Finland. Make sure to practice using these words and phrases in real-life situations to reinforce your learning. In the next lesson, we will explore another important topic in everyday Finnish vocabulary. Hyvää matkaa! (Have a good trip!)

Table of Contents - Finnish Course - 0 to A1[edit source]

Introduction to Finnish

Greetings and Introductions

Nouns and Adjectives

Numbers and Time

Verbs and Tenses

Daily Activities

Questions and Negation

Food and Dining

Prepositions and Postpositions

Travel and Transportation

Finnish Culture and Traditions

Weather and Seasons

Conjunctions and Subordinate Clauses

Family and Relationships

Finnish Literature and Music

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