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FinnishVocabulary0 to A1 Course → Advanced Finnish Vocabulary → Science and Technology

Introduction[edit | edit source]

In this lesson, we will explore the fascinating world of science and technology in Finnish. As we advance in our Finnish language journey, it is important to expand our vocabulary to include specialized terms and concepts. Science and technology play a crucial role in our modern society, and understanding these terms will not only enhance your language skills but also enable you to communicate effectively in scientific and technological contexts.

Throughout this lesson, we will cover a wide range of scientific and technological topics, from biology to physics, from computers to space exploration. By the end of this lesson, you will have a solid foundation in the vocabulary related to science and technology, allowing you to discuss and understand these subjects with confidence.

Let's dive into the exciting world of scientific and technological vocabulary in Finnish!

Biology[edit | edit source]

Anatomy and Physiology[edit | edit source]

Let's start by exploring the vocabulary related to human anatomy and physiology. Understanding the structure and functions of the human body is essential when discussing health, medicine, and biology.

Here are some important anatomical terms in Finnish:

Finnish Pronunciation English
keho ['keho] body
pää [pɑː] head
käsi ['kæsi] hand
jalka ['jɑlkɑ] leg
sydän ['sydæn] heart
keuhkot ['keuhkot] lungs
aivot ['ɑi̯vot] brain

Now, let's move on to some physiological terms:

Finnish Pronunciation English
veri ['veri] blood
hengitys ['heŋgitys] respiration
aineenvaihdunta ['ɑi̯neˌenvɑi̯duntɑ] metabolism
ruuansulatus ['ruːɑnˌsulɑtus] digestion
hermosto ['hermosto] nervous system
verenkierto ['verenˌkierto] circulation
immuunijärjestelmä ['immuːniˌjærjestelmæ] immune system

Genetics[edit | edit source]

Genetics is a fascinating field that explores heredity and the variation of traits within living organisms. Let's learn some basic genetic terms in Finnish:

Finnish Pronunciation English
geeni ['geɛni] gene
kromosomi ['kromosomi] chromosome
perinnöllisyys ['perinˌnølːisyys] heredity
DNA ['deˌɛnɑ] DNA
RNA ['ærˌɛnɑ] RNA
mutaatio ['mutɑˌtiɔ] mutation

Ecology[edit | edit source]

Ecology is the study of the relationships between living organisms and their environment. Here are some ecological terms in Finnish:

Finnish Pronunciation English
ekosysteemi ['ekosysteemi] ecosystem
laji ['lɑji] species
elinympäristö ['elinympæristø] habitat
ravintoketju ['rɑvintokeʧu] food chain
uhanalainen ['uɦɑnɑˌlɑinen] endangered
biodiversiteetti [biɔˌdiversiˌteːtti] biodiversity

Physics[edit | edit source]

Physics is the study of matter, energy, and the interactions between them. Let's explore some fundamental terms in Finnish physics vocabulary:

Mechanics[edit | edit source]

Mechanics is the branch of physics that deals with the motion of objects and the forces that act upon them. Here are some key terms in Finnish mechanics:

Finnish Pronunciation English
liike ['liːke] motion
nopeus ['nopɛus] velocity
voima ['voi̯mɑ] force
kiihtyvyys ['kiːhtyvyys] acceleration
kitka ['kitkɑ] friction
painovoima ['pɑinoˌvoi̯mɑ] gravity

Thermodynamics[edit | edit source]

Thermodynamics is the branch of physics that deals with heat, temperature, and energy transfer. Here are some important terms in Finnish thermodynamics:

Finnish Pronunciation English
lämpö ['læmpø] heat
lämpötila ['læmpøˌtilɑ] temperature
energia [ɛˌnɛrgiɑ] energy
lämpöenergia ['læmpøˌɛnɛrgiɑ] thermal energy
lämpölaajeneminen ['læmpøˌlɑːʔɛneminen] thermal expansion
entropia [ɛnˌtropiɑ] entropy

Electromagnetism[edit | edit source]

Electromagnetism is the branch of physics that deals with electricity and magnetism. Let's learn some key terms in Finnish electromagnetism:

Finnish Pronunciation English
sähkö ['sæhkø] electricity
magneetti ['mɑgneˌetti] magnet
virta ['virtɑ] current
jännite ['jænnitɛ] voltage
vastus ['vɑstus] resistance
sähkömagneettinen säteily ['sæhkøˌmɑgneˌettiˌnen ˌsætei̯ly] electromagnetic radiation

Computers and Technology[edit | edit source]

Computers and technology have revolutionized our world, and it's important to be familiar with the vocabulary related to these fields. Let's explore some computer and technology terms in Finnish:

Computers[edit | edit source]

Here are some essential computer-related terms in Finnish:

Finnish Pronunciation English
tietokone ['ti̯ɛtoˌkone] computer
näyttö ['næytːø] monitor
näppäimistö ['næpːæi̯misˌtø] keyboard
hiiri ['hiːri] mouse
kovalevy ['koˌʋɑlɛˌʋy] hard drive
ohjelmisto ['o̞hjelmɪsto̞] software

Internet[edit | edit source]

The internet has become an integral part of our lives. Here are some internet-related terms in Finnish:

Finnish Pronunciation English
internet [inˌternet] internet
verkkosivusto ['ʋerkˌkosɪˌʋusto̞] website
selain [ˈselɑin] browser
sähköposti ['sæhkø̞ˌpo̞sti] email
langaton verkko ['lɑŋˌgɑton ˌʋerkˌko̞] wireless network

Robotics[edit | edit source]

Robotics is a rapidly advancing field that combines engineering, computer science, and artificial intelligence. Let's explore some robotics terms in Finnish:

Finnish Pronunciation English
robotti ['ro̞botːi] robot
anturi ['ɑnˌturi] sensor
ohjain ['o̞hjɑi̯n] controller
tekoäly ['tekoˌæly] artificial intelligence
automaatio [ˈɑu̯to̞ˌmɑːtio̞] automation

Astronomy[edit | edit source]

Astronomy is the study of celestial objects and the universe as a whole. Let's discover some astronomical terms in Finnish:

Planets[edit | edit source]

Here are the names of the planets in the Finnish language:

Finnish Pronunciation English
Maa [mɑː] Earth
Aurinko ['ɑurɪŋko] Sun
Kuu ['kuː] Moon
Merkurius [mɛrˈkurˌius] Mercury
Venus ['venus] Venus
Mars [mars] Mars
Jupiter ['jupitɛr] Jupiter
Saturnus ['sɑtʊrˌnus] Saturn
Uranus ['urɑnus] Uranus
Neptunus ['nɛpˌtunus] Neptune
Pluto ['pluto] Pluto

Stars and Galaxies[edit | edit source]

Let's learn the names of some stars and galaxies in Finnish:

Finnish Pronunciation English
tähti ['tæhti] star
galaksi [galɑksi] galaxy
Andromeda [ˈɑndromɛdɑ] Andromeda
Linnunrata [ˈlinːunˌrɑtɑ] Milky Way
Pohjantähti [ˈpo̞hjɑntæhti] North Star

Cultural Insights[edit | edit source]

In Finnish culture, science and technology have played a significant role in shaping the nation's identity. Finland is known for its strong emphasis on education and innovation, which has led to numerous scientific advancements and technological breakthroughs.

One notable Finnish scientist is A.I. Virtanen, who received the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1945 for his research on agricultural and fermentation chemistry. His work greatly contributed to the development of food production techniques.

Finland is also home to many successful technology companies, such as Nokia, which was once the world's largest manufacturer of mobile phones. The country's commitment to innovation is reflected in its thriving tech industry.

Exercises[edit | edit source]

1. Match the Finnish terms with their English translations:

a. keho b. kromosomi c. lämpö d. tietokone e. robotti

1. body 2. chromosome 3. heat 4. computer 5. robot

Answer: a - 1, b - 2, c - 3, d - 4, e - 5

2. Fill in the blanks with the correct Finnish terms:

a. Sydän on ihmisen ___________. b. Lämpötila mitataan ___________. c. Automaatio liittyy ___________. d. Tietokoneella voi käyttää ___________. e. Tutkimme ___________ ja sen liikkeitä.

Answer: a. keho b. lämpö c. robotiikkaan d. ohjelmistoja e. aurinkokuntaa

3. True or False: "Näppäimistö" is the Finnish word for "mouse".

Answer: False. "Näppäimistö" means "keyboard".

Conclusion[edit | edit source]

Congratulations! You have expanded your Finnish vocabulary to include scientific and technological terms. Now you can confidently discuss topics related to biology, physics, computers, and astronomy in Finnish. Remember to practice using these terms in context to reinforce your learning. Keep up the great work, and continue exploring the Finnish language and culture. Onnea matkaan! (Good luck on your journey!)

Table of Contents - Finnish Course - 0 to A1[edit | edit source]

Introduction to Finnish

Greetings and Introductions

Nouns and Adjectives

Numbers and Time

Verbs and Tenses

Daily Activities

Questions and Negation

Food and Dining

Prepositions and Postpositions

Travel and Transportation

Finnish Culture and Traditions

Weather and Seasons

Conjunctions and Subordinate Clauses

Family and Relationships

Finnish Literature and Music

Sources[edit | edit source]

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