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How to Ask Questions in Finnish

Asking questions is an essential part of communication in any language. In this lesson, we will learn how to ask questions in Finnish. Finnish, a Uralic language spoken primarily in Finland, has its own unique question words and sentence structure. Let's explore the various question words and their usage in Finnish.

Basic Question Words:[edit | edit source]

1.1. Mikä/Mitä:[edit | edit source]

  • Mikä is used when asking about the quality or nature of something.
  • Mitä is used when asking about the object or thing.

Example sentences:

  • Mikä tämä on? (What is this?)
  • Mitä teet? (What are you doing?)

1.2. Kuka/Ketä:[edit | edit source]

  • Kuka is used when asking about a person or people.
  • Ketä is the accusative form of kuka, used for the object of the sentence.

Example sentences:

  • Kuka hän on? (Who is he/she?)
  • Ketä sinä odotat? (Whom are you waiting for?)

1.3. Missä:[edit | edit source]

  • Missä is used to inquire about the location or place of something.

Example sentence:

  • Missä on kahvila? (Where is the café?)

1.4. Milloin:[edit | edit source]

  • Milloin is used to ask about time or when something is happening.

Example sentence:

  • Milloin lähdet matkalle? (When are you leaving for the trip?)

Sentence Structure in Questions:[edit | edit source]

In Finnish, questions are typically formed by using a question word and the verb, followed by the subject.

Example sentences:

  • Miksi hän itkee? (Why is he/she crying?)
  • Mitä sinä haluat syödä? (What do you want to eat?)

Intonation and Question Mark:[edit | edit source]

In addition to word order, intonation plays a crucial role in indicating a question. Finnish questions often have a rising intonation towards the end of the sentence. Additionally, a question mark (?) is used at the end of a sentence to signify that it is a question.

Example sentence:

  • Oletko nähnyt avaimeni? (Have you seen my keys?)

Practice Exercise:[edit | edit source]

Now, let's practice asking questions in Finnish. Translate the following sentences into Finnish:

a) Where is the library?

b) What time does the train arrive?

c) Who is coming to the party?

d) Why are you late?

e) What are you studying?

Answers: a) Missä on kirjasto? b) Mihin aikaan juna saapuu? c) Kuka tulee juhliin? d) Miksi olet myöhässä? e) Mitä opiskelet?

Summary[edit | edit source]

In the table below, you will find the main Finnish question words and phrases.

Finnish English
kuka who
missä where
mikä what
miksi why
miten how
kumpi which
milloin when
kuinka paljon? how much?
kuinka monta? how many?
Missä on vessa? Where is the toilet?
Mikä sinun nimesi on? What's your name?
Voitko auttaa minua? Can you help me?
Rakastatko minua? Do you love me?
Kuinka paljon tämä maksaa? How much is this?

Videos[edit | edit source]

Another simple way to make closed questions - Finnish Grammar for ...[edit | edit source]

Easy Beginner Finnish Grammar: Negative questions - YouTube[edit | edit source]

Basic Finnish Grammar:Questions ending in KO/KÖ - YouTube[edit | edit source]

Other Lessons[edit | edit source]


Vincent, Maintenance script and KirsiRantanen

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