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China Buriat Vocabulary - Education

Hi China Buriat learners! 😊
In this lesson, we will learn some useful China Buriat vocabulary related to education. We will explore various educational landscapes including traditional and modern Chinese education systems like Confucianism and English language courses in China.

Take some time to dive into these other pages after completing this lesson: Days of the Week & Fruits.

Education System[edit | edit source]

China has a large variety of educational institutions including public and private schools, colleges, and universities. Education in China has a Confucianism-influenced education system which is focused on respecting the teacher, hard work, and memorization. According to Wikipedia, there are 2937 universities, 2155 research institutes, and more than 22,000 secondary schools in China.

Here are some useful China Buriat vocabulary related to the education system in China:

China Buriat Pronunciation English
оршоо ухаан orshoo ukhaan elementary school
тусгай дунд школ tusgai dund shkol middle school
дээд сургууль deed surguu high school
мэргэжлийн сургууль mergelijin surguu vocational school
их сургууль ikh surguu university
боловсрол bolovsrol education
сургалт surgalt lesson
мэдлэг medleg knowledge


  • Person 1: оршоо ухаан дээ?
 * Person 2: тийм болохоороо зүгээр.


  • Person 1: Are you in elementary school?
 * Person 2: Yes, that's right.

English Language Education[edit | edit source]

English language education has become increasingly important in China in recent years due to globalization and international relations, and many schools offer English courses. It is said that there are around 300 million people learning English in China.

Here are some China Buriat vocabulary related to English language education:

China Buriat Pronunciation English
Англи хэлний хичээл Angli khelni khicheel English language course
Самбараа Sambaraa speaking
Бичих Bichikh writing
Унших Unshikh reading
Сонсох Sonsokh listening
Үг Üg word
Фраз Phraz phrase
Өгүүллэг Ögüüllég sentence


  • Person 1: Англи хэлний хичээлээ ямардаа явж байна вэ?
 * Person 2: Миний сургалтыг SAITC хувьцаа ажилласан уншигчид өгөөд, тэднийгээр сургалтыг явуулав.


  • Person 1: Where do you study English language courses?
 * Person 2: I take English lessons through SAITC online, which offers online courses.

Interesting Fact[edit | edit source]

Did you know that in China, students have to wear uniforms to school? School uniforms are a traditional part of the educational system in China, similar to Japan and South Korea.

To improve your China Buriat Vocabulary, you can also use the Polyglot Club website. Find native speakers and ask them any questions!

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