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Pronouns in Chechen

Hi/салам Chechen Learners! 😃

➡ In today's lesson we will learn how to use Pronouns in Chechen.

Chechen is a Northeast Caucasian language spoken by the Chechen people primarily in the Chechen Republic of the Russian Federation. Like other languages, Chechen uses pronouns to refer to people, animals, objects, and ideas without having to repeat their names constantly.

In Chechen, there are several types of pronouns, including personal pronouns, demonstrative pronouns, possessive pronouns, and interrogative pronouns. Personal pronouns are further classified according to the number of persons (singular, dual, or plural) and the cases they are used in (nominative, genitive, dative, accusative, instrumental, and prepositional).

In Chechen, as in many other languages, the different cases indicate the function of nouns, adjectives, and pronouns in a sentence. Each case has its own set of endings, and the pronouns change their form according to the case they are in.

For example, the personal pronoun for "I" in the nominative case is "ан" (an), while in the genitive case it changes to "ма" (ma). The same is true for the other pronouns, with each case having its own set of forms. This is why it is important to know the different cases and their endings in Chechen, as it directly affects the form of the pronoun that should be used in a particular sentence.

Using the correct case and pronoun form is essential to convey the intended meaning accurately and effectively. It allows the listener or reader to understand the relationship between the different parts of the sentence and the actions or ideas being expressed. Therefore, mastering the cases and pronouns in Chechen is vital for fluent and accurate communication in the language.

With the completion of this lesson, consider investigating these related pages: Say Hello and Greetings in Chechen & Questions.

Cases[edit | edit source]

Here is a summary table of Chechen pronouns in all cases:

Nominative Genitive Dative Accusative Instrumental Prepositional
1st sg я ян янда ян янгӀа янгӀал
2nd sg та таьхьа та та таьхьагӀа таьхьалагӀ
тIэхьа тIэ тIэхьагӀа тIэхьалагӀ
т1ухьа т1у т1ухьагӀа т1ухьалагӀ
3rd sg хий хийце хийце хий хийгӀа хийгӀал
хийлаце хийла хийлацегӀа хийлацелагӀ
хийчоце хийчо хийчоцегӀа хийчоцелагӀ
1st du ю юл юлда ю юлгӀа юлгӀал
2nd du теттIа теттIада теттIа теттIа теттIадагӀа теттIадалагӀ
тIеттIада тIеттIа тIеттIадагӀа тIеттIадалагӀ
т1уттIуда т1уттIа т1уттIудагӀа т1уттIудалагӀ
3rd du хийлама хийламаце хийламаце хийлама хийламагӀа хийламалагӀ
хийламалаце хийламала хийламалацегӀа хийламалалагӀ
хийчамоце хийчамо хийчамоцегӀа хийчамоцелагӀ
1st pl мы мын мыда мы мынгӀа мынгӀал
2nd pl тетIа тетIада тетIа тетIа тетIадагӀа тетI

Nominative Case[edit | edit source]

Here are the pronouns in the nominative case in Chechen:

  • Singular:
    • 1st person: я (ya)
    • 2nd person: та (ta) for feminine, тIе (tie) for masculine, т1у (tu) for neuter
    • 3rd person: хий (khii) for masculine, хийла (khii-la) for feminine, хийчо (khii-cho) for neuter
  • Dual:
    • 1st person: юl (yul)
    • 2nd person: теттIа (tettia) for feminine, тIеттIе (tiettie) for masculine, т1уттIу (tuttiu) for neuter
    • 3rd person: хийлама (khii-lama) for masculine, хийламала (khii-lamala) for feminine, хийчамо (khii-chamo) for neuter
  • Plural:
    • 1st person: мы (my)
    • 2nd person: тетIа (teta) for feminine, тIетIе (tietie) for masculine, т1утIу (tutiu) for neuter
    • 3rd person: хийлаш (khii-lash) for masculine, хийлаша (khii-lasha) for feminine, хийчаши (khii-chashi) for neuter

Genitive Case[edit | edit source]

Here are the pronouns in the genitive case in Chechen:

  • Singular:
    • 1st person: ян (yan)
    • 2nd person: тахьа (taxha) for feminine, тIехьа (tiexha) for masculine, т1ухьа (tuxha) for neuter
    • 3rd person: хийн (khii-n) for masculine, хийлан (khii-lan) for feminine, хийчун (khii-chun) for neuter
  • Dual:
    • 1st person: юлан (yulan)
    • 2nd person: теттIан (tettian) for feminine, тIеттIан (tiettian) for masculine, т1уттIун (tuttiun) for neuter
    • 3rd person: хийламан (khii-laman) for masculine, хийламалан (khii-lamalan) for feminine, хийчамун (khii-chamun) for neuter
  • Plural:
    • 1st person: мын (myn)
    • 2nd person: тетIан (tetan) for feminine, тIетIан (tietan) for masculine, т1утIун (tutun) for neuter
    • 3rd person: хийлашан (khii-lashan) for masculine, хийлашана (khii-lashana) for feminine, хийчашун (khii-chashun) for neuter

Dative Case[edit | edit source]

Here are the pronouns in the dative case in Chechen:

  • Singular:
    • 1st person: янда (yanda)
    • 2nd person: таьхьа (ta-khha) for feminine, тIэхьа (ti-khha) for masculine, т1ухьа (tu-khha) for neuter
    • 3rd person: хийце (khii-tse) for masculine, хийлаце (khii-la-tse) for feminine, хийчоце (khii-cho-tse) for neuter
  • Dual:
    • 1st person: юлда (yulda)
    • 2nd person: теттIада (tett-iada) for feminine, тIеттIада (tiet-iada) for masculine, т1уттIуда (tuttiuda) for neuter
    • 3rd person: хийламаце (khii-lama-tse) for masculine, хийламалаце (khii-lamala-tse) for feminine, хийчамоце (khii-chamo-tse) for neuter
  • Plural:
    • 1st person: мыда (myda)
    • 2nd person: тетIада (tet-iada) for feminine, тIетIада (tiet-iada) for masculine, т1утIуда (tut-iuda) for neuter
    • 3rd person: хийлашаце (khii-lasha-tse) for masculine, хийлашалаце (khii-lasha-la-tse) for feminine, хийчашоце (khii-chasho-tse) for neuter

Accusative Case[edit | edit source]

Here are the pronouns in the accusative case in Chechen:

  • Singular:
    • 1st person: ян (yan)
    • 2nd person: та (ta) for feminine, тIэ (ti-e) for masculine, т1у (tu) for neuter
    • 3rd person: хий (khii) for masculine, хийла (khii-la) for feminine, хийчо (khii-cho) for neuter
  • Dual:
    • 1st person: ю (yu)
    • 2nd person: теттIа (tett-i-a) for feminine, тIеттIа (tiett-i-a) for masculine, т1уттIу (tutti-u) for neuter
    • 3rd person: хийлама (khii-la-ma) for masculine, хийламала (khii-lamala) for feminine, хийчамо (khii-cho-mo) for neuter
  • Plural:
    • 1st person: мы (my)
    • 2nd person: тетIа (tet-i-a) for feminine, тIетIа (tiet-i-a) for masculine, т1утIу (tut-i-u) for neuter
    • 3rd person: хийлаша (khii-la-sha) for masculine, хийлашала (khii-lasha-la) for feminine, хийчашо (khii-cho-sho) for neuter

Instrumental Case[edit | edit source]

In the instrumental case in Chechen, the pronouns take on the following forms:

  • Singular:
    • 1st person: янгӀа (yang'a)
    • 2nd person: таьхьагӀа (taqha) for feminine, тIэхьагӀа (ti-qha) for masculine, т1ухьагӀа (tu-qha) for neuter
    • 3rd person: хийгӀа (khii-gha) for masculine, хийлацегӀа (khii-la-cegha) for feminine, хийчоцегӀа (khii-cho-cegha) for neuter
  • Dual:
    • 1st person: юлгӀа (yul-gha)
    • 2nd person: теттIадагӀа (tettiada-gha) for feminine, тIеттIадагӀа (tiettiada-gha) for masculine, т1уттIудагӀа (tuttiuda-gha) for neuter
    • 3rd person: хийламагӀа (khii-la-ma-gha) for masculine, хийламалацегӀа (khii-lamala-cegha) for feminine, хийчамоцегӀа (khii-cho-ce-mo-cegha) for neuter
  • Plural:
    • 1st person: мынгӀа (myngh'a)
    • 2nd person: тетIадагӀа (tet'iada-gha) for feminine, тIетIадагӀа (tiet'iada-gha) for masculine, т1утIудагӀа (tut'iuda-gha) for neuter
    • 3rd person: хийлашагӀа (khii-la-sha-gha) for masculine, хийлашалацегӀа (khii-lasha-la-cegha) for feminine, хийчашоцегӀа (khii-cho-sho-cegha) for neuter

Prepositional Case[edit | edit source]

In the prepositional case in Chechen, the pronouns take on the following forms:

  • Singular:
    • 1st person: янгӀан (yang'an)
    • 2nd person: таьхьагӀан (taqhan) for feminine, тIэхьагӀан (ti-qhan) for masculine, т1ухьагӀан (tu-qhan) for neuter
    • 3rd person: хийгӀан (khii-ghan) for masculine, хийлацегӀан (khii-la-ceghan) for feminine, хийчоцегӀан (khii-cho-ceghan) for neuter
  • Dual:
    • 1st person: юлгӀан (yul-g'an)
    • 2nd person: теттIадагӀан (tettiada-ghan) for feminine, тIеттIадагӀан (tiettiada-ghan) for masculine, т1уттIудагӀан (tuttiuda-ghan) for neuter
    • 3rd person: хийламагӀан (khii-la-ma-ghan) for masculine, хийламалацегӀан (khii-lamala-ceghan) for feminine, хийчамоцегӀан (khii-cho-ce-mo-ceghan) for neuter
  • Plural:
    • 1st person: мынгӀан (myngh'an)
    • 2nd person: тетIадагӀан (tet'iada-ghan) for feminine, тIетIадагӀан (tiet'iada-ghan) for masculine, т1утIудагӀан (tut'iuda-ghan) for neuter
    • 3rd person: хийлашагӀан (khii-la-sha-ghan) for masculine, хийлашалацегӀан (khii-lasha-la-ceghan) for feminine, хийчашоцегӀан (khii-cho-sho-ceghan) for neuter

The prepositional case is used to show the location of an object or person in relation to something else. It is also used after certain prepositions. Learning the different forms of pronouns in the prepositional case in Chechen is essential to correctly use them in speaking and writing.

Personal pronouns (цIерметдош)[edit | edit source]

Chechen (Нохчийн мотт) English
Со I
Хьо you
И, Иза he



Вай [inclus.]

Тхо [exclus.]

we, you all and me

we, only us

Шу you
Уьш they

Personal pronoun in use with the verb to be[edit | edit source]

Chechen (Нохчийн мотт) English
Со ву

Со йу

[m] I am

[ f ]

Хьо ву

Хьо йу

[m] you are

[ f ]

И ву, иза ву

И йу, иза йу

И ду

he is

she is

it is

Тхо ду we are
Шу ду you are
Уьш бу they are

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