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Chadian Arabic Vocabulary - Drinks

Hi Chadian Arabic learners! 😊
In this lesson, we will be exploring the vocabulary of drinks in Chadian Arabic. Knowing these words will come in handy if you are visiting a local restaurant or in general, if you want to socialize with native speakers. Don't forget that practicing with native speakers is essential to improve your Chadian Arabic skills. You can find native speakers and ask them any questions here: Find native speakers.

Beverages[edit | edit source]

Here are some common beverages in Chadian Arabic:

Chadian Arabic Pronunciation English
الشاي (eshshay) /eʃʃaj/ Tea
الماء (elmaa') /alma:/ Water
القهوة (elqaahwa) /alqahwa:/ Coffee
العصير (elas-siir) /elasːi:r/ Juice

Tea Time in Chad[edit | edit source]

Drinking tea is an essential part of Chadian culture. It's a social occasion where family and friends gather to unwind and catch up. In a typical Chadian tea ceremony, the host prepares and serves the tea to guests. The tea is poured into small glasses and passed around. It is customary to drink at least three cups of tea during the ceremony. The first cup is strong, the second is medium, and the third is light. When the guest receives the glass, they should thank the host by saying "chehedan" which means thank you in Chadian Arabic. The leftover tea in the glass should be left to the bottom. This is a signal that the guest has had enough tea.

Alcoholic Drinks[edit | edit source]

Chadian Arabic Pronunciation English
البيرة (elbiira) /albi:ra:/ Beer
النبيذ (ennabiidh) /ennabi:ð/ Wine
الشراب (elcharaab) /alʃara:b/ Liquor

In Chad, consuming alcohol is not socially acceptable. However, drinking beer and wine is legal.

Dialogue[edit | edit source]

  • Person 1: هل لديك بيرة؟ (Hal ladayk biira?) (Do you have beer?)
  • Person 2: نعم، لدي بيرة الصحراء (Na'am, ladayya biira aSSahraa) (Yes, I have a Sahara beer)

Wrapping Up[edit | edit source]

I hope you have learned some useful vocabulary for your next visit to Chad. Remember to practice regularly with native speakers to improve your fluency. You can build up your vocabulary by checking out this list of Vocabulary words in Chadian Arabic. Don't forget to visit Polyglot Club which is an excellent online platform for language learning enthusiasts just like you.

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