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Chadian Arabic Grammar - Gender

Hi Chadian Arabic learners! 😊
In this lesson, we will discuss the concept of gender in Chadian Arabic. Gender is an important grammar concept in Chadian Arabic as it impacts the form of nouns, pronouns, and adjectives.

What is Gender in Chadian Arabic?[edit | edit source]

Gender in Chadian Arabic is the grammatical classification of nouns, pronouns, and adjectives based on their biological gender or its perceived association with a specific gender. Chadian Arabic has two genders, masculine and feminine, and it distinguishes between them through the use of different markers for each gender.

Masculine Gender[edit | edit source]

The masculine gender is indicated by a lack of markers for gender. Most nouns referring to male beings are masculine. However, there are some exceptions where nouns that refer to males can be feminine, such as "a widow" or "a queen."

Feminine Gender[edit | edit source]

The feminine gender is indicated by the suffix "-a" added to the final consonant of the noun. For example, the word "camel" in Chadian Arabic is "jamal," and its feminine form is "jamala." Similarly, the word "boy" is "walad," and its feminine form is "bint," meaning "girl." It is important to note that there are some nouns in Chadian Arabic that do not have a feminine form, especially borrowed words from other languages.

Gender of Adjectives[edit | edit source]

Adjectives in Chadian Arabic must agree with the gender of the noun they describe. The adjective form of masculine singular is generally the base form of the adjective, while the feminine singular form of an adjective is created by adding the suffix "-a" to the masculine singular form. For example, if "good" is "jayyed" in masculine form, the feminine form of "good" is "jayyeda."

Here is an example of how to use adjectives in Chadian Arabic:

Chadian Arabic Pronunciation English
صحيح (masculine) sahih correct
صحيحة (feminine) sahiha correct (feminine)

Person 1: هذا الجواب صحيح. (hadha aljawab sahih) (This answer is correct.) Person 2: هذه الإجابة صحيحة. (hathihi al'ijaba sahiha) (This answer is correct (feminine).)

Gender of Pronouns[edit | edit source]

Pronouns in Chadian Arabic also have different forms depending on gender. The following table shows the personal pronouns in Chadian Arabic:

Person Masculine Feminine
1st singular ana ana
2nd masculine singular anta anti
2nd feminine singular nti nti
3rd masculine singular huwa hiya
3rd feminine singular hiya hiya

Here is an example of how to use pronouns in Chadian Arabic:

Person 1: هل رأيت الرجل؟ (hal ra'ayta alrajul?) (Did you see the man?) Person 2: نعم، رأيته. (na'am, ra'aytuh) (Yes, I saw him.)

Gender in plural[edit | edit source]

Plural in Chadian Arabic is generally formed by adding the suffix "-in" to the masculine singular form of the noun. The feminine plural form is created by adding "-at" to the feminine singular form of the noun. The adjective and pronoun forms of plural are similar to the feminine form of singular.

Here is an example of how to use gender in Chadian Arabic in plural:

Chadian Arabic Pronunciation English
كتاب (masculine singular) kutub books
كتب (masculine plural) kutub books
وردة (feminine singular) warda rose
ورود (feminine plural) warud roses
جيد (masculine singular) jayyed good
جيدة (feminine singular) jayyeda good (feminine)
جيدين (masculine plural) jayyedin good (plural)
جيدات (feminine plural) jayyedat good (feminine plural)

Person 1: هل لديك كتب؟ (hal ladayka kutub?) (Do you have books?) Person 2: نعم، لدي كتب. (na'am, ladayya kutub) (Yes, I have books.)

Conclusion[edit | edit source]

In conclusion, understanding the concept of gender in Chadian Arabic is crucial for improving your language skills. Practice is key, and one great way to improve is to use Find native speakers and ask them any questions you may have. You can also use the Polyglot Club website and its language resources to improve your Chadian Arabic Grammar. 😎

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