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Bambara Vocabulary - Education

Hi Bambara learners! 😊
In this lesson, we will learn Bambara vocabulary related to education. Education is an important aspect of life, and learning it in Bambara can be very useful for communication and understanding Bambara-speaking people.

With the completion of this lesson, consider investigating these related pages: Eat & Feelings and Emotions.

General Education[edit | edit source]

There are various levels of education in Bambara, from primary school to university. To better understand this topic, let’s first look at Bambara words related to general education:

Bambara Pronunciation English
Yelebougou jèlèbûgû School
Yelebougou sigi jèlèbûgû sìgì High school
Sigibugu sìgìbûgû College/University
Kɛlɛmanso kɛlɛmânsô Classroom
Laɲujɛn làɲûjɛ̃ Language
Siyasa sìyâsà Politics


  • Person 1: Yelebougou sigi bon (I am in high school)
  • Person 2: Mɔgɔ kan bɛ kono kɛlɛmanso ko gɔyɔrɔn na (My brother is a teacher in a classroom)

School Subjects[edit | edit source]

In Bambara, there are various words to describe school subjects. Below are some of the most common ones:

Bambara Pronunciation English
Filo fìlɔ̀ Philosophy
Matimatiki màtìmàtikì Mathematics
Kimiya kìmyà Chemistry
Fiziki fìzìkì Physics
Serelɛtigi sérèlɛ̀tìgì Sociology
Anasigine mu ànàsìgìnè mû Human Anatomy


  • Person 1: N bɛ filo sɛbɛn kɛ akɛnta (I am studying philosophy because I enjoy it)
  • Person 2: Mɔgɔ kan bɛ kono anasigine mu tɛ (My sister is a lecturer in human anatomy)

Certification/Qualification[edit | edit source]

In Bambara, there are specific ways to describe certification and qualification. They are crucial in any educational field, and it’s useful to know how to express them. Below are a few examples:

Bambara Pronunciation English
Sɛtifika sɛ̀tìfìkà Certificate
Diplɔma dìplɔ̀mà Diploma
Lisans lìsânsɛ̀ Bachelor’s degree
Maɲistra màɲìstrà Master’s degree
Doktoratɔ dòktɔ̀ràtɔ̀ Doctorate


  • Person 1: N be diplɔma kɛlɛ mɔgɔ kɛ bɛ bɛrɛ lisans tɛ (I have a diploma, my friend is going for a bachelor's degree)
  • Person 2: Mɔgɔ kan bɛ kono sɛtifika sira (My brother has a certificate in that field)

Interesting Facts[edit | edit source]

Did you know that education is highly valued in Bambara culture? There is a famous proverb that states, "Kono dii la biyye tuma, tɛ a bolo goɲɔnkɔrɔ la" which means "what you learn young remains with you even if you live to be old". This proverb shows that education is respected and considered very important in Bambara culture.

Another interesting fact is that Bambara has become the language of instruction in some schools and universities in Mali, the home country of Bambara language. This is because Bambara is the most widely spoken language in the country, and it’s a way of promoting the use of the language.

To improve your Bambara Vocabulary, you can also use the Polyglot Club website. Find native speakers and ask them any questions!

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