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Translation Team

Translate & vote - from English to Afrikaans

English phrase to TRANSLATE:
[h3]Can you block or report users in {6}?[/h3]
Yes, you can block or report users in {6}. The platform takes community guidelines seriously, and users have the right to report or block anyone who exhibits inappropriate behavior.
[h3]How does {6} compare to language learning through immersion?[/h3]
While nothing can quite replace the benefits of full language immersion in a country where the target language is spoken, {6} comes close by providing real, meaningful interaction with native speakers. This opportunity to engage in regular conversation helps develop a sense of linguistic intuition and cultural understanding that traditional learning methods often fail to provide.
[h3]Can I delete my account on {6}?[/h3]
Yes, you can delete your {6} account. You need to go to the 'Settings' section in the app and select the 'Delete my account' option. Note that once you delete your account, all your data will be permanently removed from the app.
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Votes: 0
[h3]Kan jy gebruikers in {6} blokkeer of rapporteer?[/h3]
Ja, jy kan gebruikers in {6} blokkeer of rapporteer. Die platform neem gemeenskapsriglyne ernstig en gebruikers het die reg om enigeen wat onvanpaste gedrag vertoon, te rapporteer of te blokkeer.
[h3]Hoe vergelyk {6} met taalonderrig deur onderdompeling?[/h3]
Alhoewel niks die voordele van volledige taalonderdompeling in 'n land waar die teikentaal gepraat word heeltemal kan vervang nie, kom {6} naby deur werklike, betekenisvolle interaksie met moedertaalsprekers te bied. Hierdie geleentheid om gereelde gesprekke te voer, help om 'n gevoel van taalintuïsie en kulturele begrip te ontwikkel wat tradisionele leermetodes dikwels nie kan bied nie.
[h3]Kan ek my rekening op {6} skrap?[/h3]
Ja, jy kan jou {6} rekening skrap. Jy moet na die 'Instellings' afdeling in die program gaan en die 'Skrap my rekening' opsie kies. Let daarop dat sodra jy jou rekening skrap, al jou data permanent van die program verwyder sal word.
Automatic translation from Googleoogle

Guidelines for Translations

  • 1. Format
    Please follow the same format that is used in the English version, including punctuation and capitalization.

  • 2. Variables
    (Variables can be numbers, names, discussions or other contents of
    Variables within the brackets are in red, like {1} {2}. Please do not translate the variables.
    English: {1} You have received {2} new messages
    French: {1} Vous avez reçu {2} nouveaux messages

  • 3. Links
    Terms that will become HTML links on webpages are surrounded by brackets and colored red, like: this is [link1][/link1]. You should translate the words colored black, because they will actually be displayed. Please do not translate HTML links that appear in red.
    English: Go to the [link1]main page[/link1].
    French: Aller sur la [link1]page principale[/link1].

  • 4. Do not translate those words
    Words or phrases surrounded by a [notranslate] tag should not be translated.
    English: You can say: "[notranslate]Hej![/notranslate]".
    French: Vous pouvez dire : "[notranslate]Hej![/notranslate]".

  • 5. Formal and informal Translations
    Please submit the formal expression of the item. Avoid slang and impolite expressions.

  • 6. Glossary
    You will find here a Glossary to help you choose the right and consistent words when writing a translation. Please, feel free to edit this glossary with new words and languages.