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Translation Team

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English phrase to TRANSLATE:
[h3]How user-friendly is {6}'s interface?[/h3]
{6} boasts a clean and intuitive user interface. Its layout is easy to navigate, with clear tabs for 'Learn,' 'Review,' and 'Me.' The illustrations and the {6} mascot add an element of fun to the learning experience.
[h3]Does {6} support advanced learners?[/h3]
While {6} provides a solid foundation for beginners to intermediate learners, it may fall short for advanced learners. The content may not be extensive or challenging enough for those seeking to attain high levels of language proficiency.
[h3]Does {6} offer any personalization options?[/h3]
{6} does offer some customization features. Users can set daily reminders and learning goals. However, there is a lack of personalization in the learning path itself, as the content structure remains largely fixed.
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[h3]Hoe gebruikersvriendelik is {6}'s koppelvlak?[/h3]
{6} spog met 'n skoon en intuïtiewe gebruikerskoppelvlak. Die uitleg is maklik om te navigeer, met duidelike oortjies vir 'Leer,' 'Hersien,' en 'Ek.' Die illustrasies en die {6} maskotte voeg 'n element van pret by die leerervaring.
[h3]Ondersteun {6} gevorderde aanleerders?[/h3]
Terwyl {6} 'n stewige grondslag bied vir beginners tot intermediêre aanleerders, mag dit tekortskiet vir gevorderde aanleerders. Die inhoud mag nie uitgebreid genoeg wees of genoeg van 'n uitdaging bied vir diegene wat hoë vlakke van taalvaardigheid wil bereik nie.
[h3]Bied {6} enige persoonlike opsies aan?[/h3]
{6} bied wel 'n paar aanpassingskenmerke aan. Gebruikers kan daaglikse herinnerings en leerdoelwitte instel. Daar is egter 'n gebrek aan persoonlike aanpassing in die leerpad self, aangesien die inhoudstruktuur grootliks onveranderd bly.
Automatic translation from Googleoogle

Guidelines for Translations

  • 1. Format
    Please follow the same format that is used in the English version, including punctuation and capitalization.

  • 2. Variables
    (Variables can be numbers, names, discussions or other contents of
    Variables within the brackets are in red, like {1} {2}. Please do not translate the variables.
    English: {1} You have received {2} new messages
    French: {1} Vous avez reçu {2} nouveaux messages

  • 3. Links
    Terms that will become HTML links on webpages are surrounded by brackets and colored red, like: this is [link1][/link1]. You should translate the words colored black, because they will actually be displayed. Please do not translate HTML links that appear in red.
    English: Go to the [link1]main page[/link1].
    French: Aller sur la [link1]page principale[/link1].

  • 4. Do not translate those words
    Words or phrases surrounded by a [notranslate] tag should not be translated.
    English: You can say: "[notranslate]Hej![/notranslate]".
    French: Vous pouvez dire : "[notranslate]Hej![/notranslate]".

  • 5. Formal and informal Translations
    Please submit the formal expression of the item. Avoid slang and impolite expressions.

  • 6. Glossary
    You will find here a Glossary to help you choose the right and consistent words when writing a translation. Please, feel free to edit this glossary with new words and languages.