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When you receive a card back in your mailbox, an online messenger with your pal will be unlocked for...
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Your address is hidden securely behind your username (making it safe!)
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Create a real postcard online, that we will send as a physical card for you
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{1} is simple and fun!
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How it works
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Learn about different languages and cultures by connecting with people from around the world. Share ...
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{1} revives the adventurous, fun and honest conversations of true pen pals.
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What is {1}?
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Genuinely connect with people from all over the world
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[h3]Is it worth downloading?[/h3] If you are look...
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[h3]Prices[/h3] It could be said, perhaps, that t...
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[h4]Dialogues[/h4] In short, my favorite part of ...
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[h4]Phonetics[/h4] This section tends to vary a b...
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[h4]Grammar[/h4] At the beginning of each grammar...
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[h3]Lesson content[/h3] Now that you know what ea...
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Even to make it more motivating, it shows you how many points you must accumulate to acquire certain...
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[h3]What can you learn with [notranslate]
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[h3]Selecting the right level[/h3] Submit new or vote
[h3]Registering in Lingualia: log in[/h3]
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[h3]Downloading Lingualia English[/h3]
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[h3]What is [notranslate]Lingual...
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English, Spanish, application, phone, app, easy, efficient
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