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Fun Way to Learn a New Language: Pen Pal Language Exchange
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How to Find Penpals
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{1} is a fun way of learning a new, foreign language. Writing with native s...
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Looking to find a new penpal? Search no more! {1} randomly matches you with...
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Safest PenPal Language Exchange Platform
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It gives me something to look forward to every-time my family and I go to check the mail; I guess it...
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Using {1} makes me feel more knowledgeable about the world and has made me ...
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It makes me feel adventurous. Even though I’m not traveling to that state or country at the moment I...
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I started because likes and follows became too much, I felt like it all has become fabricated... con...
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{1} for Language Learners
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Discover new cultures and languages
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Share your thoughts with pen pals from all over the world
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Feel the excitement of receiving real postcards
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Make friends with mutual interests
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Why {1}?
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When you receive a card back in your mailbox, an online messenger with your pal will be unlocked for...
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Your address is hidden securely behind your username (making it safe!)
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Create a real postcard online, that we will send as a physical card for you
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Sign up and match with other members
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How it works
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Learn about different languages and cultures by connecting with people from around the world. Share ...
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{1} revives the adventurous, fun and honest conversations of true pen pals.
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Genuinely connect with people from all over the world
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Type {1} to mention a member.
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[h3]Is it worth downloading?[/h3] If you are look...
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[h3]Prices[/h3] It could be said, perhaps, that t...
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