GIVE ANSWERS - العربية القياسية

67% GOOD (3 votes)Unanswered
What Arabic should I learn? Is Modern Standard Arabic really understood across the Arabic world? Are Egyptian Arabs widely understood, since they make up 20% of Arabic speakers?


  • aliiii profile picture aliiiiMay 2014
    u should stard by standard arabic it is the most beautiful the most understood and the only pure arabic
maria_star profile picture maria_starMay 2014
if u want read books , see news , researching about some cultures u need normal arabic the real one, if u want just to talk with arabic people do communication with them u can learn egyptian arabic,but i like the real one cas it's very impotant and rich
Vanilla_sky94 profile picture Vanilla_sky94April 2014
Hello Tokajske, we use formal Arabic just in books and sending emails but in life we use informal arabic...
aferni profile picture aferniApril 2014
hi , I am Arabic and i lived all my live in the arabic world , from morocco , i can help you if you want..!!
jesuisdeyemen profile picture jesuisdeyemenFebruary 2014
Hello , Friend .. I am Arabic and i lived all my live in the arabic world and i think it is better to learn the standard arabic for some reason , the first reason is that almost every arabic person can speak standard arabic , including egyptien , and the other reason is learning the standard , i think would help you learn the arabic accents like egyptien eccent and others .
Han2013 profile picture Han2013September 2013
I agree with Farsi_Learner !!