
Text from ev9eniy - English

  • A letter to the landlord

    • My name is Evgeniy, and I've leaved in room 301 on the 3th floor with my family.
    • We've just moved to your flat, and we have a problem with a furniture.
    • First problem is with chairs, so I can't sit on it, because all of them don't have a legs.
    • But, when you'd shown to me apartment, chairs was fine.
    • Second issue is with a kitchen table, it's has a big hole in the center.
    • But, when you demonstrated to me a kitchen, the table didn't have that issue.
    • It bother me, because we want to invite our neighbors for a dinner party, and now we can't do that.
    • Pleas, could you help us, and make repair and/or replace that furniture.
    • By the way, I could fixed this problem by myself.
    • But, you should come to us, and see you self all problems.
    • As result of repair by myself, I expected that your take my costs from a monthly pay.