
Text from venusfanny - English

  • money is the root of all evil

  • Many of us grew up hearing that money is the root of all evil, but we do not really understand its true meaning.
  • Money is neither evil nor good.
  • It is just evil when we use money for bad purposes.
  • Money is able to be many things, depending on how we use it.
  • We need to understand the different between the currency for us to live and the currency for reasons that are driven by greed.
  • Money is how we use to pay for food, education, travel, services and everything in life has a price.
  • Also, money is the reward we receive for our work which allows us to enjoy the good things in life.
  • From this point of view, money is not evil, it is just a source of our survival.
  • In fact, money can be used for good too as to help those who overcome difficult, beggars, the homeless or victims of floods ...
  • Money in itself, which is senseless thing, is harmless.
  • But it is the love of money that can lead us to evil and many people do not realize that they are enslaved by money.
  • Money may become a person’s master if that person believes in money above everything else.
  • Because of greed of money, they can work hard every day and have no time for their family.
  • As a result, homes are broken and much misery.
  • There are people who love money more than their life, maybe it is not their money, is another.
  • It is dangerous and reckless, they can do everything even kill someone as long as they have money as many as possible.
  • These people are capable of all kinds of evil.
  • On the other hand, money makes the world change.
  • All wars are originated in currency, some countries want to own another country’s natural resources and human beings which are invaluable or some countries use economic in order to control another country.
  • In addition, they even destroy nation themselves.
  • Pollution and destruction of environment are examples of evil caused by greed.
  • It is urbanization and industrialization that destroy environment.
  • To conclude, I would say that the love of money is the root of all evil in the world