
Text from Maryam1987 - English

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  • Some people think that international news is more important than local news.
  • Others argue that local news is more important.
  • Discuss both sides and give your opinion.
    • A part of the community claims that global news is more significant than national news while several people advocate the idea that local news expresses imperative topics viewers.
    • There are rational arguments on both sides of this contentious topic which will be discussed in detail, followed by my own take on the matter.
    • On the one hand, some people assert internal news is more significant rather than external news for members of society.
    • Simply put, citizens could be received valuable information either about issues or the progress of their own territories by national news.
    • Knowing problems that are in their neighborhoods may raise awareness in society.
    • When people’s knowledge progress they may be persuaded to demand their rights of the government.
    • For example; there are channels in a number of countries that introduce neighborhood obstacles with authorities to discuss related problems.
    • When people are exposed to the local news that discusses to discover efficient solutions for current national problems they may attempt to pursue their requests.
    • Thus, knowing about local difficulties may create sufficient motivation for individuals to cope with their local issues.
    • On the other hand, a number of individuals claim that awareness of international news has many benefits not only for politicians but also for the rest of society.
    • First and foremost, this kind of news offers correct perspectives about the global condition to politicians who need to make proper decisions.
    • For example, sections of the economics in developing countries’ dependent on world oil prices, so recent information would assist politicians to consider appropriate assessments for their nations.
    • The resulting evaluation is more likely to pave the way to overcome economic difficulties.
    • Last but not least, cosmopolitan news is a reliable resource to obtain imperative information about globals such as wars, natural disasters, and even revolutions.
    • In other words, achieving up-to-date news about universal problems may encourage a vast majority of people with different cultures to share their emotions by sending humanitarian aids to affected nations.
    • Therefore, international news could enable diplomats to access reports that necessary to make the right decisions and members of human society to support each other.
    • In conclusion, there are rational arguments on both sides of this controversial subject.
    • However, my firm conviction is that although worldwide news is more significant than local news, international news has a comprehensive impact not only on the economies but also on the empathy of individuals.


  • Title
  • Sentence 1
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  • Sentence 4
    • A part of the community claims that global news is more significant than national news while several people advocate the idea that local news expresses imperative topics viewers.
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    • A part of the community claims that global newsnews from around the world is more significant than nationlocal news while several peopleothers advocate the idea that local newsnews closer to home expresses imperativeortant topics for viewers.
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  • Sentence 5
    • There are rational arguments on both sides of this contentious topic which will be discussed in detail, followed by my own take on the matter.
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    • There are rational arguments onfor both sides of this contentious topic which will be discussed in detail, followed by my own take on the matter.
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  • Sentence 6
    • On the one hand, some people assert internal news is more significant rather than external news for members of society.
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    • On the one hand, some people assert internthat local news is more significant rather than externational or international news for members of society.
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  • Sentence 7
    • Simply put, citizens could be received valuable information either about issues or the progress of their own territories by national news.
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    • Simply put, cCitizens could be receiveding valuable information either about issues or the progress of their own territories bycountries via the national news.
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  • Sentence 10
    • For example; there are channels in a number of countries that introduce neighborhood obstacles with authorities to discuss related problems.
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    • For example;, there are channelorganisations in a number of countries that introduce neighborhood obstaclebring about local forums with authorities to discuss relatedevant problems.
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  • Sentence 11
    • When people are exposed to the local news that discusses to discover efficient solutions for current national problems they may attempt to pursue their requests.
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    • When people are exposed to the local news that discusses to discover efficient solutions for current national problems they may attempt to pursue their requestdiscover ways of solving their problems and attempt to pursue their requests for solutions to the authorities.
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  • Sentence 12
  • Sentence 13
    • On the other hand, a number of individuals claim that awareness of international news has many benefits not only for politicians but also for the rest of society.
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    • On the other hand, a number of individuals many claim that an awareness of international news has many benefits not only for politicians but also for the rest of society.
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  • Sentence 14
    • First and foremost, this kind of news offers correct perspectives about the global condition to politicians who need to make proper decisions.
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    • First and foremost, this kind of news offers correctrealistic perspectives about the global condisituation to politicians who need to make proper decisions.
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  • Sentence 15
    • For example, sections of the economics in developing countries’ dependent on world oil prices, so recent information would assist politicians to consider appropriate assessments for their nations.
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    • For example, sections of the economices inof developing countries are dependent on world oil prices, so recentup-to-date information would assist politicians to considerin developing appropriate assessments for their nations.
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  • Sentence 16
  • Sentence 17
    • Last but not least, cosmopolitan news is a reliable resource to obtain imperative information about globals such as wars, natural disasters, and even revolutions.
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    • Last but not least, cosmopolitaninternational news is a reliable resource tofor obtaining imperativeortant information about global events such as wars, natural disasters, and even revolutions.
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  • Sentence 18
    • In other words, achieving up-to-date news about universal problems may encourage a vast majority of people with different cultures to share their emotions by sending humanitarian aids to affected nations.
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    • In other words, achieving up-to-date news about universal problems may encourage a vast majoritylarge number of people withfrom different cultures to share in their emotions by sending humanitarian aids to affected nations.
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  • Sentence 19
    • Therefore, international news could enable diplomats to access reports that necessary to make the right decisions and members of human society to support each other.
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    • Therefore, international news could enable diplomats to access reports that are necessary tofor makeing the right decisions andlong with enabling members of humanall societyies to support each other.
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  • Sentence 20
  • Sentence 21
    • However, my firm conviction is that although worldwide news is more significant than local news, international news has a comprehensive impact not only on the economies but also on the empathy of individuals.
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    • HoweverAfter weighing up the pros and cons of different types of news, my firm conviction is that although worldwideinternational news is more significant than local news, international news because it has a comprehensive impact not only on the economies but also on the empathy of individuals. ¶
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