
Text from MistraldeMoulin - English

  • A rabbit in encharmed forest

  • ''They are so far away and so close at the same time.
    • They are always remind me something, but what?''-was thinking a rabbit, lying on his belly in the high green grass.
  • ''This cloud is like a big elephant, so big and full of rain, that one is so small like a tiny bird.'' This way the rabbit was dreaming without thinking about anything, but the free life of the clouds.
  • The Sun slowly was setting down, encolouring the blue sky in red.
  • The rabbit thought:''I don't want to go home, back to the dark rabbit-burrow.
  • I want to be a cloud and travel around the world.'' The rabbit was sad that another summer day has finished, he lied in the grass listening to the songs of the grasshoppers.
  • ''Okay, it is a time to go home''.
  • He stood up, flicked away all dust from his fluffy fur, shaked his long ears and leaped toward his home.
  • On the way he asked himself: '' Where will be those clouds tomorrow?
    • What does make them to float?'' He was a very curious about all things in the life.
  • He passed by a big, old hedgehog that was carrying a big apple on his back.
  • The hedgehog was a big gossip in the forest and an amateur of the golf.
  • ''Hello, Hedgehog!'' ''No time, I am in a hurry!
  • Don't you know that a wolf has disappeared three days ago?'', snorted the hedgehog and quickly ambled away.
  • The rabbit didn't know of course nor much care about vicarious affairs.
  • From far away the rabbit saw his burrow, but the strange thing was that out of it protruded a wolf's tale!
  • ''Oh, my goodness.. my property..
  • I need.. what to do?''.
  • The rabbit was lost among the thoughts in his head, meanwhile getting closer and closer to his burrow. ''Signor Wolf! Are you..
  • I wonder if you got lost maybe? You see...
  • It is my burrow'', said politely the rabbit.
  • ''Who is there?''- growled the wolf. ''This is...
  • This is a squirrel'', lied the scared rabbit.
  • ''Go away or a big nut will crash your head!''-doddered the wolf.
  • ''What a trouble has fallen on my whiskers!''-thought the rabbit.
  • Then barked out: ''I am not going anywhere, you old coat!This is my home and you go away!'' The rabbit was surprised by his own audacity and daring. ''What?
  • What?''- livened up the wolf.
  • And here sudden grumbled a thunder so violently that everything choked in, waiting a deadly storm. ''Oh my, my...
  • What will happen to me now?''- the rabbit was shaking from the fear, looking around him, thinking what to do.
  • The wolf bristling and anticizing was coming closer and closer to the rabbit whose last thoughts were: ''And this was my life?
  • This was how I lived? So little? Why?
  • I am the most kind and gentle rabbit in the whole forest and I will die honourlessly in the beginning of my life?
  • I have not even visited the Golden Ravine!''