
Text from paulinaestay - English

    • my day

    • hello, my name is paulina and i go a took about my day, today i´m going to the school and i have a test for maths.
    • in the afternoon i go to the mall center with my friends, i eat and go to the cinema, in the night i go to my house and see youtube, i see a video of this page and i have a idea of going to this page.


  • Sentence 1
    • hello, my name is paulina and i go a took about my day, today i´m going to the school and i have a test for maths.
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    • hHello, ! my name is paulina and i go a tooI want to talk about my day, t. Today iI´m going to the school and iI have a test forin mathematics.
    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Sentence 1ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Sentence 1
  • Sentence 2
    • in the afternoon i go to the mall center with my friends, i eat and go to the cinema, in the night i go to my house and see youtube, i see a video of this page and i have a idea of going to this page.
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    • ¶iIn the afternoon i goI am going to the mall center with my friends, i. I will eat and go to the cinema, .¶¶iIn the night iI will go to my house and see ywatch YoutTube, i. I will see a video of this page and iI have an idea of going to this page. ¶
    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Sentence 2ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Sentence 2