
Text from Nagaohime - English

  • Steel

    • I was thinking what I should write about, and nothing came to my mind.
    • Just recently I had an exam from Properties of materials, and only thing that is currently in my head is steel, In this short entry I will try to summery what steel is, what are its properties, how it is made, and where it is used.
    • But first, what is alloy ?
    • Alloy is a mixture of 2 or more different chemical elements from whitch at least one is metal ( other elements can, but do not have to be metals ).
    • Now you are probably asking yourself why did I mention word alloy ?
    • I mentioned word alloy, because steel is an alloy.
    • Main element in steel is Iron(Fe), and main additive element is carbon(C).
    • Steel without carbon is not steel.Of course steel in its microstructure has other elements except iron and carbon.
    • Some of them positivly effect properties of steel, those are Crom(Cr), Tungsten(Tg), Copper(Co), Manganese(Mg), Titanium(Ti) (usually other metals), while some of them negativly effect properties of steel like Sulfur(S).
    • Percentage of carbon in steel ranges from 0-2%, if in a mixture there is more than 2 % carbon, then that metal is used for casting and as such is called cast( "cast" is directly translated from Croatian word "ljev", I do not know english word).
    • Properties of steel mainly deppend on how much carbon it has in it’s microstructure.
    • More carbon steel has, harder it becomes, but it becomes more brittle as well.
    • Less carbon it has, well, more like iron it is( you can think of it as mixing properties of iron and diamond (as diamond is allotrpic modification of carbon)).
    • Sadly steel is corrosive but that can be fixed by adding arround 1% Copper, or 12+% Crom.
    • One of best propperties of steel is it strength, It can support a lot of force without breaking.
    • Even cooler is that steel can be intentionally put through time-temperature processes which can increase some of its properties.
  • And steel is quite heavy ;( How is steel made ?
    • Process of making steel is like baking cookies, mix ingredients, put in oven, het au, and voala. only difference is that your ingredients are not fllower and egs, but iron and graphite, your oven is not quite up to the job of "baking" steel as steel melts at arround 1500°C so you need quite specialised furnaces to do the job.
    • There are several types of furnaces, and deppending on the eype of furnace, ammount of impurities (S) changes, but I will not go any deeper than this as even this is quite long, and it was supposed to be short :D.
  • Last but not least, Where steel is used ?
  • Everywhere, bridges, buildings, cars, tools, machines.
    • And i can bet that in your life you have at least once held object made of steel, without even knowing it is made of steel.
    • In penciles you have those springs, Springs are made of "steel for springs" :D.
  • I hope that you have learned something new.


  • Sentence 1
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    • Just recently I had an exam from Properties of materials, and only thing that is currently in my head is steel, In this short entry I will try to summery what steel is, what are its properties, how it is made, and where it is used.
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    • Just recently I had an exam from in 'Properties of mMaterials,' and the only thing that is currently in my headoccupies my thoughts is steel, . In this short entry I will try to summeryarise what steel is, what are its properties are, how it is made, and where it is used.
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    • Alloy is a mixture of 2 or more different chemical elements from whitch at least one is metal ( other elements can, but do not have to be metals ).
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    • An alloy is a mixture of 2 or more different chemical elements from whitch, at least one of which is metal ( other elements can, but do not have to be metals ).
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    • Some of them positivly effect properties of steel, those are Crom(Cr), Tungsten(Tg), Copper(Co), Manganese(Mg), Titanium(Ti) (usually other metals), while some of them negativly effect properties of steel like Sulfur(S).
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    • Some of them positively eaffect properties of steel, those are Chrome (Cr), Tungsten (Tg), Copper (Co), Manganese (Mg), Titanium (Ti) (usually other metals), while some of them negatively eaffect properties of steel like Sulfur (S).
    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Sentence 9ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Sentence 9
  • Sentence 10
    • Percentage of carbon in steel ranges from 0-2%, if in a mixture there is more than 2 % carbon, then that metal is used for casting and as such is called cast( "cast" is directly translated from Croatian word "ljev", I do not know english word).
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    • PThe percentage of carbon in steel ranges from 0-2%, if in a mixture. If there isare more than 2 % carbon in a mixture, then that metal is used for casting and as such is called cast( ("cast" is directly translated from the Croatian word "ljev", I do not know ethe English word).
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    • Less carbon it has, well, more like iron it is( you can think of it as mixing properties of iron and diamond (as diamond is allotrpic modification of carbon)).
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    • LThe less carbon it has, well, the more it's like iron it is( (you can think of it as mixing properties of iron and diamond (as diamond is an allotropic modification of carbon)).
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  • Sentence 16
    • Even cooler is that steel can be intentionally put through time-temperature processes which can increase some of its properties.
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    • Even cooler is that: steel can be intentionally be put through time-temperature processes which can increase some of its properties.
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  • Sentence 18
    • Process of making steel is like baking cookies, mix ingredients, put in oven, het au, and voala. only difference is that your ingredients are not fllower and egs, but iron and graphite, your oven is not quite up to the job of "baking" steel as steel melts at arround 1500°C so you need quite specialised furnaces to do the job.
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    • Process of making steel is like baking cookies, mix ingredients, put in oven, het au, and voala. only difference is that your ingredients are not fllower and egs, but iron and graphite, your oven is not quite up to the job of "baking" steel as steel melts at arround 1500°C so you need quite specialised furnaces to do the job.I should have read it before posting :D¶het au -> heat up¶fllower and egs -> flower and eggs
    • PThe process of making steel is like baking cookies,: mix the ingredients, put int in the oven, heat auit up, and voala.ilà. The only difference is that your ingredients are not flloweour and eggs, but iron and graphite, your oven is not quite up tofor the job of "baking" steel as steel melts at arround 1500°C so you need quite specialised furnaces to do the job.
    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Sentence 18ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Sentence 18
  • Sentence 19
    • There are several types of furnaces, and deppending on the eype of furnace, ammount of impurities (S) changes, but I will not go any deeper than this as even this is quite long, and it was supposed to be short :D.
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    • There are several types of furnaces, and deppending on the etype of furnace, the ammount of impurities (S) changes, but I will not go any deeper than this as even this isinto that, because that would take quite long, and it was supposed to be short :D.
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