
Text from sant-spain - English

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  • Concerning the culture of the US, I know that in very little time they have developed a strong sense of identity and patriotism, based in ideas of democracy and freedom which does not correspond to reality, making the US a really hypocritical country.
  • I know about the stereotypes of each state and their people.
  • I am also aware of their social problems and how people deal with them, how the education system works, typical traditions, famous people (most of them from Hollywood and the TV industry), music and even some American folktales.
  • There are too many things that I don’t know about the US yet, so I am excited to discover them.
  • I would like to know more about the wars where the US has intervened, about the economy (what “the Fed” is and how it works, and also about American economic debt), how politics works in the US (Democrats and Republicans, and liberals and conservatives), and I am also interested in the founding fathers and all the Presidents in general.


  • Title
  • Sentence 1
    • Concerning the culture of the US, I know that in very little time they have developed a strong sense of identity and patriotism, based in ideas of democracy and freedom which does not correspond to reality, making the US a really hypocritical country.
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  • Sentence 2
  • Sentence 3
    • I am also aware of their social problems and how people deal with them, how the education system works, typical traditions, famous people (most of them from Hollywood and the TV industry), music and even some American folktales.
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    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Sentence 3ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Sentence 3
  • Sentence 4
  • Sentence 5
    • I would like to know more about the wars where the US has intervened, about the economy (what “the Fed” is and how it works, and also about American economic debt), how politics works in the US (Democrats and Republicans, and liberals and conservatives), and I am also interested in the founding fathers and all the Presidents in general.
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    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Sentence 5ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Sentence 5