
Text from Brocky - English

    • would you prefer to work alone or in group?

    • The prompt: Do you prefer to work on project with a group or alone?
  • Use specific reasons and examples.
    • With the advencment in technology and work's apportunity in the society, it became vital for for people to know what is best for them.
    • Wether they perform well by working by themselves on the projects they have, or choose to work in a group.
  • Some people prefer working alone rather than being in a group.
  • Others disagree and prefer to work on their projects within a group.
  • In my opinion, working in a group is better for two reasons.
    • Firsly, having a team group to work on the project that you have in hand would make it more easy to carry out.
    • Especially when different minds are gathered togather.
    • Making a brain storming for their ideas, and what would be the best way to tackle the projet that they have.
    • For example, when I was attending university in Batna, In my graduation I had to work on my project graduation with my partner under the instruction of my professor, the project was about Quantitative Risk Assessment applying it in a storage process.
    • After discussing with the professor on how to start the work, we agreed that we have to start with some of the theoratical aspects, and then move to the application of the techniques and the methods that we will use.
    • We also devided the work on how we should deal with each section of the project.
    • In this way, we made sure to finish the project on time, and it was more easier than working on it alone.
    • As you can see, working in a team would help the project to be more easier to be tackled and assure that you will finish it on time.
    • Secondly, Working in a group would assure the effeciency when working on the project at hand.
    • Due to the different mind sets that will be present, evaluating ideas and techniques that would be used in order to finish the project within the best timeframe and with the high quality. all of these ingrediends would make sure for having harmony in the work on the project.
    • For instance, when I was working with my professor and my partner on our project.
    • After figuring out the way how we're going to finish the project, we divided the project into tasks.
    • I had to work on the application form, while my partner had to prepare the theory part, and our professor had to check the result that we had in order to be on the right track.
    • And after 2 months, we finished the project 2 weeks ahead of time.
    • And we were proud of our achievement and the result we obtained.
  • As you can see, being in a group while working on a project would definitely help in assuring effeciency in the work.
    • To sum it up, there are different views on what would the person do while handling a project.
  • Some would argue that working alone is the best solution, others would prefer to work in a group.
    • I prefer to work in group, because you will not only work in ease, but you will also assure effeciency in your project.
    • I highly recommend people to try working in a team in order to boost up their work effeciency.