
Text from brada19 - English

  • Article

  • Corruption in ***** is a major issue that country faces on the way to its economical and political development.
  • News about officials caught for bribe does not cause any surprise among the nation anymore.
  • On December 23, 2013 the Vice-Minister of Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of ***** Muslim Umirayev was arrested on suspicion of taking bribes in amount of 0,000 reports the Financial Police Agency; On February 9, 2014 the Vice-Minister of Ministry of Defence Bagdat Maykeev was detained with a bribe in size of 2 million dollars in**** Taking an example of these two, the question How can government solve corruption problem if it’s has corruption inside itself? arise / .
  • Since ***** is planning to link 30 developed world countries NISA EYE columnists made own survey about this problem amid NISA students.
  • The survey involved following questions : 1.
  • What is your attitude when hearing the news about detained officials? 2.
  • At what level corruption in ***** can be considered as a global problem? 3.
  • How can we fix the problem in order to achieve goals?
  • Concluding survey given answers by correspondents were mostly the same.
  • Half of the corresponding replied that they are pleased when officials are detained because of bribes they take.
  • In their opinion number of unjust people in government decreases , moreover for them news about bribe-takers mean that government is already fighting against corruption and is not hiding faces of shameful executive.
  • The second half of correspondents answered that they either do no react at all or perceive it as a usual events.
  • Answers to the question two were unified.
  • All of the interviewing students told that corruption in ***** is a catastrophic problem that interferes country in its economical and social development.
  • Students are confident when saying that until the solution of bribery problem all attempts in making country flourishing will be futile.
  • Answers for the question number three were the most characterized.
  • Some answered that the most reasonable solutions is raising salaries to civil servants and budget employees and tightening laws about grafters.
  • So that there will not be any desire of stealing money from government and fear about doing it.
  • Others told it is impossible to eliminate this challenge in present days, as we have grand generation that is always willing to solve things by own old method.
  • This survey was held by NISA EYE journalists.