
Text from electrobabik - English

    • learning English

    • Who can answer about differences in following phrases:"pretty well" and "quite well".
    • Are they synonyms?


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    • Who can answer about differences in following phrases:"pretty well" and "quite well".
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    • Who can answer about differences inexplain to me the difference between the following phrases: "pretty well" and "quite well".?
    • Who can answer about differences in following phrases:"pretty well" and "quite well".¶quite / fairly / rather / pretty¶Look at these examples:¶The exam was fairly difficult.¶The exam was quite difficult.¶The exam was rather difficult.¶Quite is a little stronger than fairly, and rather is a little stronger than quite. Rather is not very common in North American English; pretty has the same meaning and this is used in informal British English too: The exam was pretty difficult.¶In British English quite has two meanings: I feel quite tired today (= fairly tired). With adjectives that describe an extreme state (‘non-gradable’ adjectives) it means ‘completely’ or ‘absolutely’: I feel quite exhausted. With some adjectives, both meanings are possible. The speaker’s stress and intonation will show you which is meant: Your essay is quite good (= fairly good — it could be better); Your essay is quite good (= very good, especially when this is unexpected).¶In North American English quite usually means something like ‘very’, not ‘fairly’ or ‘rather’. Pretty is used instead for this sense.¶(source: oxfordlearnersdictionaries)
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