Hello everyone,
Here are some basic kurdish Sorani phrases that I thought I would share with you, Polyglot Club members.
I hope it's useful!
■ Mn - Me, I'm
■ To - You (singular)
■ Aw - Third person her/him
■ Ewa - You plural
■ Awan - Them / They
■ slaw - hey / hi / hello
■ chonit? - You ok?, how are you? / how is it going? (chonit is an informal way of asking some one how they are)
■ bashit? - You are fine? / are you ok?
■ supas - Thank you, thanks
■ zor supas - Thank you so much. (Zor means loads, alot, very much)
■ Asaiya - It's ok / you are welcome ( when some one thanks you, you say ASAIYA, meaning you are welcome and its ok)
■ Nashrin - Ugly.
■ To nashrinit - You are ugly
■ Jwan - Nice, pretty
■ Jwana - It's nice/pretty , It's cute
■ To jwanit - You are nice, pretty (look good)
■ Naxushm - I am sick, i don't feel well.
■ Nayam - I am not comming.
■ Wara - Come, come here, come on.
■ Da wara - Ouh come on!/ please come! (informal)
■ Azizm - My sweetheart, my dear (used by evryone especially among friends or couples)
■ Awa - That
■ Xushawistm - My lover , my sweetheart (used by couples e.g. wara xushawistm - come on my love).
■ xushawistakam - My lover, my gf/bf (used when saying awa xushawistakama - That is my lover NOTE: awa is used for both male and female.
■ Xushawisty - Love , affection (awa xushawistya - that is love)
■ Dll - heart
■ Dlakam - litterally mean MY HEART but its used to express love e.g. wara dlakam - come on my love/my sweetheart (its a nice way of letting some one know thay are very special and important to you, just like you heart)
■ Xushm Aweit - I love you
■ Hazm leta - I fancy you, I like you
■ xushm aweit azizm - I love you sweetheart
■ Gul - flower
■ Gulakam - My flower (litteraly), Darling,Dear, Sweety, it is used for telling some one they are YOUR pretty flower, e.g Xushm Aweit Gulakam- i love you darling.
■ Maro - Don't go, Don't leave (wara, maro - come here, don't go)
■ Wara bolam - Come to me, come and visit me or come to my place.
■ Tuxwa - For gods sake, also used to say PLEASE.
■ Tuxwa wara - Please come.
■ Wala - I swear to god, honest/honestly.
■ Barasta? - Are you serious? / no jokes? / really?
Well that's it for now, if you have any questions do let me know, i will be posting more Kurdish words and phrases in the future.
I hope you find it useful.
- przha
July 2008
![]() | sima_blbasMay 2022 Nany bayanyt xwarduwa? Mn Taza la xaw halsawm
![]() | judaiApril 2017 Please help me translate to English "datwanem bet nasem"...thank you
RifathhussainMarch 2020 Did you find out the meaning
![]() | ktos1992April 2014 I would like to know what "r7amn" means. Thank you in advance for the answer. |