Useful kurdish Sorani phrases

82% GOOD (930 votes)

Hello everyone,



Here are some basic kurdish Sorani phrases that I thought I would share with you, Polyglot Club members.




I hope it's useful! wink




■ Mn - Me, I'm


■ To - You (singular)


■ Aw - Third person her/him


■ Ewa - You plural


■ Awan - Them / They


■ slaw - hey / hi / hello


■ chonit? - You ok?, how are you? / how is it going? (chonit is an informal way of asking some one how they are)


■​​​​​​​ bashit? - You are fine? / are you ok?


■​​​​​​​ supas - Thank you, thanks


■​​​​​​​ zor supas - Thank you so much. (Zor means  loads, alot, very much)


■​​​​​​​ Asaiya - It's ok / you are welcome ( when some one thanks you, you say ASAIYA, meaning  you are welcome and its ok)


■​​​​​​​ Nashrin - Ugly.


■​​​​​​​ To nashrinit - You are ugly


■​​​​​​​ Jwan - Nice, pretty


■​​​​​​​ Jwana - It's nice/pretty , It's cute


■​​​​​​​ To jwanit - You are nice, pretty (look good)


■​​​​​​​ Naxushm - I am sick, i don't feel well.


■​​​​​​​ Nayam - I am not comming.


■​​​​​​​ Wara - Come, come here, come on.


■​​​​​​​ Da wara - Ouh come on!/ please come! (informal)


■​​​​​​​ Azizm - My sweetheart, my dear (used by evryone especially among friends or couples)


■​​​​​​​ Awa - That


■​​​​​​​ Xushawistm - My lover , my sweetheart (used by  couples e.g. wara xushawistm - come on my love).


■​​​​​​​ xushawistakam - My lover, my gf/bf (used when saying awa xushawistakama - That is my lover NOTE: awa is used for both male and female.


■​​​​​​​ Xushawisty - Love , affection (awa xushawistya - that is love)


■​​​​​​​ Dll - heart


■​​​​​​​ Dlakam - litterally mean MY HEART but its used to express love e.g. wara dlakam - come on my love/my sweetheart  (its a nice way of letting some one know thay are very special and important to you, just like you heart)


■​​​​​​​ Xushm Aweit - I love you


■​​​​​​​ Hazm leta - I fancy you, I like you


■​​​​​​​ xushm aweit azizm - I love you sweetheart


■​​​​​​​ Gul - flower


■​​​​​​​ Gulakam - My flower (litteraly), Darling,Dear, Sweety, it is used for telling some one they are YOUR pretty flower, e.g Xushm Aweit Gulakam- i love you darling.


■​​​​​​​ Maro - Don't go, Don't leave (wara, maro - come here, don't go)


■​​​​​​​ Wara bolam - Come to me, come and visit me or come to my place.


■​​​​​​​ Tuxwa - For gods sake, also used to say PLEASE.


■​​​​​​​ Tuxwa wara - Please come.


■​​​​​​​ Wala - I swear to god, honest/honestly.


■​​​​​​​ ​​​​​​​Barasta? - Are you serious? / no jokes? / really?



Well that's it for now, if you have any questions do let me know, i will be posting more Kurdish words and phrases in the future.



I hope you find it useful. smiley


sima_blbas profile picture sima_blbasMay 2022

Nany bayanyt xwarduwa?

Mn Taza la xaw halsawm


Tloca23 profile picture Tloca23November 2021
These are amazing! Zor supas!

I’m dating a Kurdish/Sorani gentleman and would love to know if there are tools that could help with translating Kurdish Sorani specifically as well (Perhaps apps too)
Jsutton profile picture JsuttonJuly 2020

Thank you, these are so helpful

judai profile picture judaiApril 2017

Please help me translate to English "datwanem bet nasem"...thank you


ktos1992 profile picture ktos1992April 2014
I would like to know what "r7amn" means. Thank you in advance for the answer.