
Testo da Invir - English

  • Alexandra: A science fiction story (Final Part)

    • When I regained consciousness, I realized I was in the twilight.
    • The emergency lights flickered like tiny stars.
    • The sound of breathing came from the speakers of my rescue capsule – it was XO somewhere in outer space, not far from me, spinning in his capsule.
    • He woke up later than I did.
    • So we stayed for a while in space – living on distilled water, vitamins and chocolate, and entertaining ourselves with conversation.
    • We were speedily rescued, less than a week later.
    • Only when we found ourselves on Earth, did XO ask me how was I managed to escape while Alexa stayed on the doomed ship.
  • So what could I say to him?
  • That our intern was not a human, but an android?
  • Admit that a young girl totally got to me?
    • Soon he submitted a report to the management of the corporation and was transferred to another ship.
    • The corporation informed me that we were participants in an experiment.
    • As I said, robots, AI are much more reliable than humans are, but on passenger flights this advantage turns into a disadvantage.
  • For civilian passengers, a team formed only by robots is like a warning sign of danger on the ship.
    • They think that because there is no place for a human among the crew, the star ship itself is untrustworthy.
  • This is kind of a cognitive distortion.
    • So the corporation spent lots and lots of money to understand why some ships leave the pier half-empty, while booking for other flights takes for more than six months.
  • They solved the problem radically.
  • No, they didn’t bring people back to the fleet.
  • They just created a perfect imitation of a human being.
    • They say that the scientific department had been struggling for years to teach a robot to simulate the manifestation of emotions and our human cognitive distortions, our imperfection, vulnerability and awareness of ourselves and our place in the world.
  • I think of Alexandra almost every day.
    • She would not cease to be a human for me even if you were to cut me into pieces.
    • Now I look at people and think – do we really realize ourselves or is this just an illusion too? The End