

Text from Invir - English

  • Star Canary. A science fiction short story. Part I

    • In space, all routes are roundabout.
    • Nobody travels in space in a straight line, because it will take too long, one human life is not enough.
    • It is senseless, as well as trying to catch a light.
  • Klaus tried to explain to me several times why this is so: the stars move, space also moves, and if you want to get somewhere in a reasonable amount of time, then the right thing to do is fly to the lakshmi point.
  • That is, to the same direction as the destination is approaching.
  • I didn’t understand, even though I tried to, but that is me.
  • I’m only nine years old and I have never been to school: the Dalits are not allowed to.
  • Also, why go to school?
  • Dalits were born to do hard and dirty work.
  • This is their dharma.
  • Klaus, l tell you, has superhuman patience.
  • He looks like a real Sahib from New Delhi.
  • They specifically made him that way so that he could walk among ordinary people and not to attract particular attention to himself.
    • Mukesh, who sold me for ten thousand rupees, was ready to bargain with everyone, even with foreigners from the West, even with rakshasas from Naraka, as long as he was paid a good price.
  • Klaus was sent to Mukesh by Skipper, Rico and Kowalski.
    • They are, of course, not rakshasas, and they don’t really look human, because they are aliens, mlecchas, from the Mimosa system.
    • Their real names are not at all like that, but I can’t pronounce them.
    • That’s why I called them that, and they don’t mind. I think.
  • You can never tell exactly what they are thinking when you look at them.
  • They look funny.
  • They are so clumsy and plump and move in a peculiar way – like a waddle.
  • But you’d better watch out for them!
  • To be honest, I’m little afraid of them.
  • Not as much as at first, but still a little.
  • When they kept me in Mukesh’s place, I was even more afraid, because I didn’t know who they would sell me to and what they would do to me.
  • I prayed that they would take me to New Delhi, to some rich house - to wash clothes, to wash dishes and to clean up.
    • I didn’t wont they cripple me so they could make me a beggar on the street.
  • I heard that beggars are purposely maimed.
    • You know, the crippled look more pitiful and people give them alms more willingly.
    • I also heard that there are some doctors that cut out eyes or even the heart...
    • -You’ll ride with this sahib, - Mukesh told me.
    • -You have to do as he tells you. Go.
  • Having no choice, I went to Klaus, who stood near the car in the cruel sun, as if he didn’t feel the heat at all.
    • He looked at me closely and asked: - What is your name? - Chidya.
    • - A bird, then. Call me Klaus.
    • His eyes were like those of a python; you would faint at his sight.
    • - Don’t be afraid, Chidya.
    • Get in the car, - Klaus said and opened the back door for me, as If I were a big deal.
  • I was worried though.
  • I kept looking out the window, because I had never been anywhere other than Gunloy.
  • I saw passing elephants… nothing particularly interesting.
  • I don’t know how long we rode because I fell asleep on the way… I couldn’t imagine where the white sahib had taken me in his black car.
  • Not to New Delhi, not to Mumbai, not even to America.
  • It must be somewhere much further.
  • So far away that I couldn’t even get my head around it.
  • So, Klaus took me directly to heaven. Really!
  • But this is not the same heaven as Svarga.
  • Klaus said that this heaven is called ”space” and extends much further than the North Star: up and down and in all directions.
    • And there are stars everywhere, as many stars as you could see on the starry night.
  • And near many of those stars various aliens would live.
    • Some of them have special celestial vimanas, using which they would travel from one star to another.
  • So I found myself on a vimana of aliens traveling among the stars.
  • It was scary and exciting at the same time.
  • The whole thing is weird to me here, and it all makes my head spin.
  • Klaus was standing by my side the whole time.
    • He explained to me what I did, and what I didn’t need to do, he protected me.
  • I realized that he was not a sahib, but kind of a naukar serving the aliens.
  • It did, however, make me wonder why the Mlecchas needed me.
    • It was not like cleaning the vimana.
    • That is as huge as a palace, and I wouldn’t be able to cope with such a job.
    • In addition, there were iron turtles for this purpose: they crawl everywhere - on the floor, along the walls and even on the ceiling; they were so wonderful and twinkle with lights.
  • They also made the air cooler.
  • But the most amazing thing was that they gave me my own room.
    • After all, I had never had my own room.
  • I had a TV and I could watch different movies and cartoons.
  • I also had picture books.
  • I couldn’t read, but I could look at pictures.
  • Most of all I liked to draw.
  • Klaus brought me a whole stack of paper and many crayons especially for this purpose.
  • I spent hours drawing while humming songs that I had heard in my village.
  • Skipper, Rico and Kowalski came to watch me draw.
  • I drew them too.
  • I think they liked them because they took my drawings for themselves.