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  • Fundraising to re-educate young offenders

    • Fundraising to re-educate young offenders The man aim of this report is to inform about a project that was developed recently in our town.
    • I interviewed some of these young offenders and the officer responsible who participated in it and I am going to describe this project with this useful information that I could get through these interviews.
    • These young offenders had to do an useful work in community.
    • Working around the people in the town and mend some damages at buildings, streets or parks, could help them to understand impact of offending behaviour and even more important, to change their behaviours.
    • It was decided that they had to some maintenance tasks in different places of the town.
    • And they would be paid for it.
    • But most of the money, would be destinated to charities for poor people in the town.
  • They worked hard to do something positive and this was really important for them.
    • The largest part of the worked was done in November and December.
    • And a large amount of money was finally raised: £ 2000.
    • Many people said it would be very fast spent and they were maybe right.
    • In my view, this experience shows that it is possible through projects like this, to provide the young offenders important skills (e. g. learning to be part of society).
    • I really hope, that some more projects like this will be developed in the future again.