
Text from federica_a2 - English

    • Information will soon be so easy to find on the internet that p

    • n the modern world, It’s possible to find any information on the website : from a recipe to cook a cake to the news from the american president’s elections on real time and all that information could overwhelm anyone.
    • Now the age of the people that have access to internet is lower than in the past, so it’s easy to wonder that the new generation considers internet a part of their life and the way of learning new concept is influenced by this fact.
    • In addition, in the past, all knowledge is contained in the books and wasn’t impossible to consult them every time and everywhere, consequentially the human brain was stimulated to memorize more than now.
    • Now, we have the possibility to find all the information on the internet and so there isn’t the neccesity of memorizing and this,I think, could affect the capacity of the human brain to memorize. but related to this there ‘s a problem : not all the information are true and it’s essential to make camparison between two or more source.
    • In the end, the accesses on the internet is a important conquer, otherwise the society should be a aware of the excessive danger of using it.