
Текст од Juliya1235 - English

  • Global problems

  • It's reported that billions of dollars are spent on space exploration projects every year.
  • Some people believe that this money should be used to solve problems on Earth.
  • The question of researching space has always aroused heated discussions.
    • I think that exploration the Universe is of the global problems in our modern world.
    • Huge waste on this is reasonable, necessary and imperative.
  • Indeed, everybody wants to know about the existence of aliens.
  • Where do they live?
  • How old is their civilization?
  • Do they exist or not?
    • Secondly, space exploration gives opportunities for development nyclear physics.
  • If scientists study the structure of matter, they will be able to save the natural resources by means of using the atomic energy.
    • Some people believe the people and scientists should save money to solve problems on Earth.
    • I can disagree with this mind.
    • Indeed, there are many global problems in contemporary world.
  • For example, the pollution of our planet and the demographic problem.
  • This point of view is sensible and rational.
    • The future of our planet depend on the resolution of global problems.
  • To a certain extent, it is right, but we shouldn't underestimate the significance and importance of space exploration.
    • For example, it offers great chance to find another planet for living there.
    • This factis one of the reason to spend much money on the space research.
    • All things considered, I want to say that countries should waste much monetary resources on the studying the Universe because it is essential and vital for the future of Earth.